Highlights from the Art & Patronage Summit, London 2012. The A&P Summit was an invitation-only event for notable patrons, collectors, arts institution leaders, curators, academics, artists, diplomats and other influential players involved in culture of and for the greater Middle East, including Turkey, Iran and North Africa. Capitalising on the region’s current cultural vitality and socio-political momentum, the Summit aimed to enable both individuals and institutions to collaborate creatively in support of an emerging art scene.
The summit was held on January 12th at the British Museum and on the 13th at the Royal College of Art.
‘Anna Raimondo as a radio creature’: An immersion in Hertzian waves trough the ears of this Italian girl who now is learning how to speak English… From Naples to Madrid, passing fthrough Marseille and crossing the no-where, a sort of surrealistic radio cartography to discover…the curator: Stefano Pernathe radio artist, sometimes just artist: Anna Raimondo the correct voice in American English: Andrea Zarza sound engineer: Nathan Fustec
With thanks to Kunst Radio for the extracts “La vie en bleu”, “it’s all so dark!” and “False Friends” (Anna Raimondo, 2011).
Laydeez do podcasts: Depictions of the female form
In two talks recorded at Laydeez do comics, Dr. Ann Miller, lecturer and joint editor of European Comic Art journal talks about stereotypical representations of women in bandes dessinées, particularly Penelope Bagieu, creator of ‘chic-lit’ comic Joséphine; and Karrie Fransman talks about her new comic The House that groaned, an incisive graphic novel about body dysmorphia and desire in a Victorian tenement house.
Joséphine by Pénélope Bagieu and The House that Groaned by Karrie Fransman
Film soundtracks, library and television music with Jonny Trunk. Kicking off this latest blast of missives from the OST archive we’re delighted to unveil this very special edition from 2010 featuring Moon Wiring Club!
The man described by The Advisory Circle as ‘the inevitable Mr Ian Hodgson’ joins us in the studio to play some of his favourite records and a smattering of his own ‘delightfully other’ recordings. Speaking of which, this podcast is rather well-timed, as he just so happens to have a new album ‘Clutch It Like A Gonk’ out right now. And it’s rather super. Like this show. So get downloading!
Little Sparta and Female Band are live in the studio!
LITTLE SPARTA are a London based three piece featuring Alan D. Boyd (guitar), Susie Honeyman (violin) and Scott Skinner(drums). From having been described as ‘bittersweet and unpretentious’ by Pitchfork (7/10) for their first release Scalpel Slice (Fire Records) the band have continued to explore the out of the ordinary while maintaining the ‘Elegant, waning violins and craggy folkisms..” (NME) that have come to define their sound.
And re-scheduled due to illness we at last have Female Band bringing their reverb drenched, atmospheric song-scapes live to the Capital’s airwaves. Female Band say: ‘We’re more interested in talking about our music than ourselves. We are very excitable young ladies and perhaps a few beers would settle our nerves before the show if this is at all possible we would be entirely grateful.’
And in conjunction with Resonance FM’s current fundraising drive the Hello GoodBye Show is selling off a show minute by minute – at the rate of £10 per minute!Use the time to promote your band/cause/political views/small business/megaglobal corporation. Email us at: dexterbentley@hotmail.com to find out how to buy time on our ‘Pay-As-You-Go Hello GoodBye Show 2012? (scheduled for broadcast on Saturday 31st March between noon and 1.30pm)
Last year we sold all 90 minutes and a bit more (we went over into the next week’s show) making just over £900 for Resonance FM, let’s see if we can beat that this year!
Track List:
Unit – People: for policemen, bouncers, security guards & other arse holes.
Protagonists of David Gadsdon – Doom radio (HG archive)
Female Band – Intro (LIVE SESSION)
Female Band – Kidnapping of a Troublesome Mind (LIVE SESSION)
Female Band – Mother & Clown (LIVE SESSION)
Female Band – The Girl Who Fell Into The Sea (working title) (LIVE SESSION)
Blurt – Hat
Female Band – ‘Interview’
Teeth Of The Sea – Sentimental Journey (HG archive)
Teta Mona – Love
Tilehurst Children’s Arkestra – The Horse That Never Loses
Arrows Of Love – The Knife (HG archive)
Joseph Porter – The Bugle Boys From Company B (HG archive)
Little Sparta – One More Then Home (LIVE SESSION)
Little Sparta – The Moment Undone (LIVE SESSION)
Mary Epworth & the Jubilee Band (HG archive)
Little Sparta – ‘Interview’
Acolytes – The Music of Erich Zann
No longer at a loose end, I tracked down, within my quarters, a pot and some soil. The soil was dry, so I added, from a spigot, a spot of water to endamp it, and I placed the pot of soil on a shelf. Then I pressed the bud into it, to reverse iceberg depth. That is, one-eighth of the bud was submerged in the soil while seven-eighths remained visible. Now I would wait for it to grow. Reasoning that it might be intimidated by the glint in my eye if I peered at it for hours upon end, I took off my jacket and hung it upon its hallway hook and went upstairs to bed, where I soon enough fell into a deep sleep, troubled only by a couple of occasions, in the depth of night, when I woke suddenly, barking and howling.
Continuing our month of shows about iconoclastic American comic book artists, Alex Fitch talks to German-American artist Klaus Janson about his work such as inking and eventually providing most of the art for Frank Miller’s run on Daredevil and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns in the early 80s to his more recent returns to the characters in Batman: Gothic and Daredevil: The End of Days. Klaus also talks about his love of teaching new artists and his experiences at comic book conventions over the years. (Recorded at Comics Launchpad, Birmingham 2011)
Inks and pencils by Klaus Janson - The Hulk, Daredevil, Batman and Wolverine
Both Astrakan and Tanya Auclair return to Hello GoodBye this Saturday lunchtime to perform live in session.
Astrakan are undoubtedly influenced by jazz and progressive music the band has been described by some commentators as continuing a line of British bands started by the likes of Henry Cow and earlier Soft Machine (Third and Fourth). The band see themselves as multi-influenced post-fusionists with an open ear for any and all means to convey their ideas however. Familiar descriptive labels either seem to be inadequate or inaccurate, so they prefer to let listeners do their own categorising.
Hailing from West London, via Canada and Rwanda – Tanya Auclair’s musical upbringing straddled very different worlds. Her lo-fi adventures in experimental pop are a beguiling mix of playful DIY drums, layers of voice, intricate uke and guitar melodies and touches of electronica. Citing influences as wide-ranging as “Bongo Joe”
Coleman, Fever Ray, Matthew Herbert, Juana Molina and E.S.G, her open instinctive approach shows in the territory she covers from the 60s doowop, delicate folk, to feverish rhythms and oscillating synths.
An excitement for music made from ‘minimal means’ has given rise to her distinctive sound and compelling one-woman-band show. She builds her songs live, sampling her voice with a loop pedal and playing different instruments.
The multi-instrumentalist has worked with the likes of Matthew Herbert’s Big Band Ensemble, Charlie Dark, Yult and Arista Hawkes, featured on Brownswood Bubblers 7 and is currently working on a film score commission for the Birds Eye View Festival.
And in conjunction with Resonance FM’s current fundraising drive the Hello GoodBye Show is selling off a show minute by minute – at the rate of £10 per minute!Use the time to promote your band/cause/political views/small business/megaglobal corporation. Email us at: dexterbentley@hotmail.com to find out how to buy time on our ‘Pay-As-You-Go Hello GoodBye Show 2012? (scheduled for broadcast on Saturday 31st March between noon and 1.30pm)
Last year we sold all 90 minutes and a bit more (we went over into the next week’s show) making just over £900 for Resonance FM, let’s see if we can beat that this year!
Track list:
Catatonic Youth – I’ve Had It
Baaneex – Weird Dance 8
Astrakan – The Giver You Get (LIVE SESSION)
Astrakan – Over Flooded (LIVE SESSION)
Astrakan – Spell (LIVE SESSION)
O-ARC – Dear Friend (HG archive)
Astrakan – ‘Interview’
Circuit Breaker – Syrinx
Now – Horsham
Jeffrey Lewis – Dog Eat Dog
Paul Hawkins & Thee Awkward Silences – I’ve Left The New World Order
Roshi & Pars Radio – Lor Bache (HG archive)
Interview with Rachel Millward (co-founder of the Birds Eye View Festival)
Tanya Auclair – Tough Nut To Crack (LIVE SESSION)
Tanya Auclair – Origami (LIVE SESSION)
Tanya Auclair – Sverige (LIVE SESSION)
Jude Hag Vs. The Hand of Stabs – We Need Two Each
Tanya Auclair – ‘Interview’
This week’s show looked at Work/Benefits Balance, the winning submission from Benefitscamp, with Lisa Ellwood in Glamorgan, Lisa Egan in the studio and Nancy Farrell in the Isle of Wight on a scratchy microphone via Skype. We also heard about Lisa Ellwood’s Rise Up UK project for enabling disabled entrepreneurs.
Join the discussion on Google + , Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.
In a panel discussion recorded at the First Fiction festival (Sussex University, January 2012) author Sue Eckstein discusses the problems inherent in creating autobiographies with graphic novelists Nicola Streeten and Anuerin Wright and how creators can subvert and overcome these. Nicola’s book Billy, me and you and Aneurin’s Things to Do in a Retirement Home Trailer Park couldn’t be more different in their approaches, with the former combining cartoons, diary drawings and scrapbook montage and the latter depicting the author’s friends and family as anthropomorphic creatures in domestic settings. (Recorded by Nicola Streeten, edited and introduced by Alex Fitch)
Covers of Interpreters and The Cloths of Heaven by Sue Eckstein, Billy, me and you by Nicola Streeten and Things to do in a retirement home trailer park by Aneurin Wright