Book list: The problem with autobiography
In a panel discussion recorded at the First Fiction festival (Sussex University, January 2012) author Sue Eckstein discusses the problems inherent in creating autobiographies with graphic novelists Nicola Streeten and Anuerin Wright and how creators can subvert and overcome these. Nicola’s book Billy, me and you and Aneurin’s Things to Do in a Retirement Home Trailer Park couldn’t be more different in their approaches, with the former combining cartoons, diary drawings and scrapbook montage and the latter depicting the author’s friends and family as anthropomorphic creatures in domestic settings. (Recorded by Nicola Streeten, edited and introduced by Alex Fitch)

Covers of Interpreters and The Cloths of Heaven by Sue Eckstein, Billy, me and you by Nicola Streeten and Things to do in a retirement home trailer park by Aneurin Wright
For more info about this podcast and a variety of other formats you can download / stream, please visit the home of this episode at
Links: Info about Interpreters, Billy, me and you and Things to Do in a Retirement Home Trailer Park
More info about the First Fiction festival (Sussex University, January 2012)
If you enjoyed this show, why not try Judith Vanistendael talking about her autobiographical comic Dance by the light of the moon
Recommended events:
Gosh! Comics…
Gosh!’re properly chuffed to be hosting the launch of Tom Gauld’s new graphic novel Goliath, a stripped-down, reworking of the David and Goliath myth, published by Drawn & Quarterly.
On Friday the 9th of March, Gauld will be here to sign copies of the book from 6:30pm, then at 7pm we’ll get down to the important business of wetting the baby’s head. Come along and shake his hand! Not only is he one of the finest cartoonists in Britain, he’s a thoroughly lovely chap too. We’ll even have an exclusive Gosh! Bookplate Edition available on the night which we’ll reveal very, very soon.
Goliath signing and Launch Party, Friday 9th March, 6.30pm
Gosh! Comics, 1 Berwick Street, London W1F 0DR
Orbital comics events
John Miers and Yoav Segal exhibition
Starting on February 25th, the Orbital West Wing will host an exhibition celebrating the publication of Regeneration by Lawrence and Wishart books with artwork by John Miers & Yoav Segal.
The second in an ongoing series of volumes on inter-generational politics, Regeneration focuses on the question of intergenerational justice. Defining the world’s young people as those born after 1979 – a hugely symbolic moment in the history of globalisation – it reflects on the massive growth in generational protest across the globe thirty years later. At its heart is an analysis of politics through the prism of generation in which the first glimmer of a post-neoliberal consensus can be discerned.
David Hine signing
As part of their line-wide ‘rebirth’, Top Cow Productions are teaming up with Orbital Comics to create a special signing event celebrating the release of The Darkness #101. Oncoming writer David Hine (of Bulletproof Coffin fame) will be in store to sign your comics and chat about his plans for the book, plus there will be giveaways and demos from the good folks at 2K Games who are behind The Darkness II video game.
The signing starts at 5pm on Wednesday March 21st (new comics day), so you can be among the first in the world to have a copy of The Darkness #101 and get it signed by the author.
8 Great Newport Street, London WC2H 7JA
Jamie McKelvie and Kieron Gillen X-Men signing
Forbidden Planet are delighted to bring you a fantastic double X-Men signing! Jamie McKelvie and Kieron Gillen will be at the London Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8JR, on Thursday 15th March 2012.
Artist Jamie welcomes you to the X-Men’s first year! Professor Xavier has recruited five of the most powerful mutants he’s ever seen to save a world that hates them. But there’s only one problem: they’re teenagers who have to survive hormones and super-powers, all while fighting for their lives.
Written by Kieron, Uncanny X-Men starts over in the wake of Schism. What is to become of Cyclops and the mutants who side with him after the big split? And what does it have to do with the resurrected Mr. Sinister? The hottest new writer in the business, Kieron Gillen (Thor), and superstar artist Carlos Pacheco (Ultimate Avengers) bring you the biggest and baddest X-Men you’ve ever seen.
Thursday 15 March 2012 18:00 – 19:00
Forbidden Planet, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR
Supergods at the Petrie Museum
Date: 31 March | Time: 2-4pm | Price: Free | Age group: Teen / Family
Create your own comic panel and characters in 2 hours in this comic book slam at the Petrie Museum. explore comics using Egypt as inspiration and objects from the museum for your own ideas. With Kel Winser. All ages. Just pop in!
Date: 2-3 April | Time: 11am – 3.30pm | Price: Free. Preferably book in advance. | Age group: Young people age 12 up.
Create your own superheroes based on the Ancient Egyptian gods. Get advice from a comics writer on how tell your story. Take inspiration from the museum and other comics about Egypt to put your own comic strip together. Suitable for 12 years upwards. With Kel Winser.
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT