Title: Indoor Pyrotechnics via the Dark Part of Halvard’s Mind
Participants: Melanie Clifford, Halvard Ja Kwez
Description: Exploratory terrain again visited via the testing of SSB filtered Short wave band noise, Dark Part of My Mind Loops rhythm and noise, digital glitch shuffle. 5th November fireworks. Rough and agitational scrapings, buzzings, cracklings and amplitude shifts thoroughly test audience mettle. High and low end swoopings . Scratch loopage. Horror Firework safety information recollection. Underworld beats, bangs, whistlers and buzzes mix with electrical feedback conversationals. Dark and intense.
Category Archives: BTTTB
Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission Broadcasts 29/10/2009
Title: Dys Tanz
Participants: Melanie Clifford, Howard Jacques, Alisdair McGregor.
Description: Looking into the (radio) Dys Tanz . Punning on dysfunctional dance and distance. Eliptical orbits, differing distances and qualities inside and outside the studio again. Transparent layers moving like parallax. The Octopus Dance Band Practice material from earlier the same evening featuring Martin Harrison, Mick Hobbs, Mary Currie and Howard Jacques recorded in an hurry for use in the programme at Nolia’s, Old Kent Road distanced by clock time and geography, unified through playback as withing track. Cooks up some big bass presence where distance becomes reduced but never removed, vignettes become density. Breaks back into contrasting layering patterning. Test confirms engineers found it easier to make closer present sounds than distant subtle ones though relative movements of elements was maintained intensely and various distances charted. The underpinning of traffic rumble and rush. Radio static invisible collage German language mystery broadcast. Traveling, traveling, traveling.
Bermuda Triangle Test Transmissions – October 22nd 2009
“Which is the Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission’s investigation of Interiority.” Sending out from the inside. Immersed in concentration. Slow and deliberating. Time re-establishes in the present moment again and again. Are we moving at all or are we static? It has perceivably slowed into contemplation concentration time. Readings on Gilles Deleuze/Interiority proceed. Sound re-animates the insistence of time. Hefty theoretical readings skip and flutter along followed by zen garden trio sound meditations. Acoustic and electronic interiorities then, while hypnotized In deep theoretical ‘right in there’ interiority payoff, a song is spontaneously cancelled. Rolling loud sound sounding like an abandoned sailing ship lurching on the waves is calmed by a melodic chord trance repeat pattern. Sonic gardening and more from our Interiority correspondent. Time is almost flowing normally again. Humorous animal type noises and real laughter! creaky, thumpy, clumpi, fini.
Bermuda Triangle Test Transmissions – October 15th 2009
Second outing utilizing recordings and live playing of the used frame sussed bicycle; this time with MC replacing FL for upside down bicycle duet with HJ. AMcG on sound mix, treatments and recorded sound playback. Takes off with speed;;;>>> mock crash, spokes chimes meditation into zen sound gardening. Talking bicycle dream stream. Rotary rhythmic and primitive gamelan tonal percussive.Quiet, gentle, exploratory.
Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission Broadcasts – October 8th 2009
Title: Bicycle Wheels
Participants: Howard Jacques, Franziska Lantz, Alisdair McGregor.
Description: HJ & FL play and upturned bicycle, AMcG mixes and feeds in made earlier recordings of the same bicycle. Friction noises are generated from rotary gear clicks, bicycle pump, bell, friction contacts on wheel materials, scrapes and clicks on tyres and spokes. From the literal into strange abstractions. Flies by at speed. Bicycle recordings made also for use as soundtrack to the short film ‘The Bicycle Revolutionary’.
Web: See this link for the film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjvuySpPSqo

Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission Broadcasts – October 1st 2009
Title: Courtyard Explorers
Participants: Melanie Clifford, Howard Jacques, Alisdair McGregor.
Description: Microphones strategically positioned outside the studio in the Resonance courtyard opening the larger, outside space of the car park for the performers to sonically and physically and mentally explore. Clues and queues coming from pre-discussed concepts including: Dichotomous is a sustaining exercise, memory exercise, the mythological, poetic, nebulous and gravitational influences of the moon, observational and imaginative description, leading sustaining exercises of observation of generated kinetic movement, ratio of outside to inside performers, incidental traffic and inevitable wind noise.
Web: http://www.myspace.com/notthebermudatriangle