Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission Broadcasts 29/10/2009

Title: Dys Tanz
Participants: Melanie Clifford, Howard Jacques, Alisdair McGregor.
Description: Looking into the (radio) Dys Tanz . Punning on dysfunctional dance and distance. Eliptical orbits, differing distances and qualities inside and outside the studio again. Transparent layers moving like parallax. The Octopus Dance Band Practice material from earlier the same evening featuring Martin Harrison, Mick Hobbs, Mary Currie and Howard Jacques recorded in an hurry for use in the programme at Nolia’s, Old Kent Road distanced by clock time and geography, unified through playback as withing track. Cooks up some big bass presence where distance becomes reduced but never removed, vignettes become density. Breaks back into contrasting layering patterning. Test confirms engineers found it easier to make closer present sounds than distant subtle ones though relative movements of elements was maintained intensely and various distances charted. The underpinning of traffic rumble and rush. Radio static invisible collage German language mystery broadcast. Traveling, traveling, traveling.