“Which is the Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission’s investigation of Interiority.” Sending out from the inside. Immersed in concentration. Slow and deliberating. Time re-establishes in the present moment again and again. Are we moving at all or are we static? It has perceivably slowed into contemplation concentration time. Readings on Gilles Deleuze/Interiority proceed. Sound re-animates the insistence of time. Hefty theoretical readings skip and flutter along followed by zen garden trio sound meditations. Acoustic and electronic interiorities then, while hypnotized In deep theoretical ‘right in there’ interiority payoff, a song is spontaneously cancelled. Rolling loud sound sounding like an abandoned sailing ship lurching on the waves is calmed by a melodic chord trance repeat pattern. Sonic gardening and more from our Interiority correspondent. Time is almost flowing normally again. Humorous animal type noises and real laughter! creaky, thumpy, clumpi, fini.