Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Polish Deli 4 3 2012 with Piotr Czerwinski

This time on Polish Deli we have a special guest – Piotr Czerwinski. Why special? Well, he is the first writer to appear on our programme. Piotr is a Polish writer living in Dublin, Ireland. He is an author of three novels and his most recent book ‘Miedzynarod’ has been published recently and we take this opportunity to talk to him about it and about the reasons why he had left his beautiful country…

to find out more about our guest go to:

Language: Polish

Hooting Yard: Sensible Quiz Time

I am fairly sure that Dobson was at one time a member of his local Moorhen Appreciation Society. The out of print pamphleteer joined it for reasons we can only guess at, for as we know the space in the human brain devoted to ornithological matters was in Dobson’s case either utterly vacant or so clogged up the synapses misfired. He was forced to resign his membership when it became clear that he could not tell the difference between a moorhen and a heron, and embroiled the Society in legal entanglements in the bird courts. His pamphlet Well, They Both Have Beaks And Feathers, For Christ’s Sake! (out of print) recounts the whole sorry saga, though it is quite an exasperating read for those of us who are more engaged with the avian world than Dobson was.

This episode was recorded on the 19th May 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Panel Borders: Laura and Mike Allred – Pop art comics

Panel Borders: Laura and Mike Allred – Pop art comics

Starting a month of shows about iconoclastic American comic artists, Alex Fitch talks to husband and wife art team Mike and Laura Allred about their work together from their long running Madman comic, to X-Statics and I, Zombie. The Alldreds’ style has been often described as pop art and Alex discusses the development of this as well as its representation in adaptations of their work such as Christopher Coppola’s film G-Men from Hell.
Originally broadcast 04/03/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM

X-Force, Madman and I, Zombie art by Laura and Mike Allred

X-Force, Madman and I, Zombie art by Laura and Mike Allred

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.
Links: Mike Allred, Madman, X-Force / X-Statix and I, Zombie pages on Wikipedia Continue reading

Hello GoodBye Show 25 March 2012: O-Arc

O-ARC is a creative collaboration between Masa Iida, singer-songwriter from Yokohama, Japan, and Neil Mason, a London-born guitarist. It could be said Neil’s guitar playing, at once tranquil and explosive, is the perimeter line that appears to enclose Masa’s poetry—words, rhythm and melody impossible to contain. Masa and Neil literally come from worlds apart but they approach music with a singular heart. Their Japanese and English sensitivities compliment each other. Poetic, atmospheric and meditative, the O-Arc blend is, in a way, even therapeutic:healing. Masa’s lyrics are greatly influenced by Haiku poetry. He prefers few words to express feelings and thoughts.
And in conjunction with Resonance FM’s current fundraising drive the Hello GoodBye Show is selling off a show minute by minute – at the rate of £10 per minute!Use the time to promote your band/cause/political views/small business/megaglobal corporation. Email us at: to find out how to buy time on our ‘Pay-As-You-Go Hello GoodBye Show 2012? (scheduled for broadcast on Saturday 31st March between noon and 1.30pm)

Last year we sold all 90 minutes and a bit more (we went over into the next week’s show) making just over £900 for Resonance FM, let’s see if we can beat that this year!

Track List:
Female Band – And only I, know why
O-ARC – Dear Friend (LIVE SESSION)
Haiku Salut – Vowels As Clear As Church Bells
O-ARC – ’Interview’
Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers – Pablo Picasso
Metronomy – You Could Easily Have Me (HG archive)
Julia Holter – Try To Make Yourself A work Of Art
Astrakan – Virgin Media
Tanya Auclair – Sverige
Band of Holy Joy – A Clear Night, A Shooting Star, A song For Boo
This Is The Kit – White Ash Cut (HG archive)
The Monochrome Set – Free Free Free

Live sound engineers: Leanne Bower & Joe Oldfield

Our website * Facebook * Richard’s Twitter * Michael’s Twitter

Technical Difficulties 3:7 (Dennis Queen)

This week we are joined by Dennis Queen (aka. Clair Lewis), disability rights activist with the Disabled People’s Direct Action Network

More from her at and Twitter
Disabled People against Cuts can be found at

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Hooting Yard: Anniversary

I was almost blind with tears, but that did not stop me thrusting the point of my poniard through the giant’s gigantic heart. Its foul impure giant’s blood gushed, splattering me from head to toe. It crashed to earth, writhed, and perished. I was in no fit state to sort out my business at the viaduct. Sheathing my bloody poniard, I wended my way home, past the spinney and the duckpond. When I had hosed the giant’s blood off my coat and my cardigan and my shirt and my scarf and my trousers and my underpants and my socks and my shoes and my Homburg, I sat in the bath for an hour. Then I took five fresh leeches out of the leecharium and affixed them one by one to my torso. The first four I named Fee and Fi and Fo and Fum. The fifth, I decided, would remain nameless, like the nameless horror in the eerie barn at Scroonhoonpooge Farmyard. Thus I paid tribute to my lost leeches, my lost blood.


Fee Fi Fo Fum

Q & A: Lothar Preen



Swamp Demons

This episode was recorded on the 21st April 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Polish Deli with Agnes Szelag

In this episode of Polish Deli we interview Agnes Szelag, a composer, singer, cellist, performer and multimedia artist. She was born in Poland but then moved to different places during her life, including Austria, USA, UK etc. We talk about herbiography and artistic practice and we can listen to some of her music. Important part of Agnes’s work is collaboration with other artists and video art.

To find out more about Agnes go to:

language: English

WOW Festival Preview

Joined by a group of dynamic women all well versed in the constant debate around gender and society, Fari Bradley discusses the pending take over of London’s Southbank Centre for WOW Festival 2012, marking International Women’s Day.

Guests are writer Hannah Pool, best known for her column “The New Black” in The Guardian and co-programmer of WOW, Lynne Parker, founder of Funny Women – one of One Hundred Unseen Powerful Women ‘who change the world’ for her outstanding work in the arts, Rachel Millward founder of Bird’s Eye View an organisation that work to help the mere 7% of all filmmakers who are women, plus Domino Pateman Arts Co-ordinator and Artistic Director Jude Kelly’s assistant on special projects.

We went last year on the winding March Across the Bridge with Annie Lennox, heard women with positions in Afghanistan’s government as well as many other groups explain their work and their situation. The warmth and urgency of the massively diverse crowd has stayed with us. This is the second WOW festival, aiming to put women fully at the centre of public life.

Listen to ResonanceFM’s podcast from last year HERE.

Electric Sheep Podcast: Making films interactive

Electric Sheep Podcast: Making films interactive

In a pair of interviews about innovations in film-making, Alex Fitch talks to two directors who have embraced new technology. Alex talks to Alex Cox about Repo Man, computer generated backgrounds its sequel Repo Chic(k), interactive cinema and using CGI in the rerelease of his western Straight to Hell. Alex also talks to Julian Napier, director of Madame Butterfly 3D, a new film of the Royal Opera House’s production of Puccini’s classic tale, how filming the opera using 3D cameras makes the cinema presentation a more immersive experience.

Repo Man film poster and Blu-Ray cover, Repo Chick and Madame Butterfly 3D posters

Repo Man film poster and Blu-Ray cover, Repo Chick and Madame Butterfly 3D posters

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.
Listen to Alex’s additional interview with Alex Cox about his work in comic books, including the other Repo sequel Waldo’s Hawaiian Holdiay

Links: Alex Cox’s website
Masters of Cinema page on Repo Man
Buy Cox films from
Watch the trailer for Waldo’s Hawaiian Holiday
Official Madame Butterfly 3D and Carmen 3D websites
Continue reading

Technical Difficulties – Switchover Special

Do you receive disability benefits or are you over 75 years old, read on…

TV is switching to digital all over the UK and the traditional TV signal is being switched off area by area. Everyone needs to be ready for the switchover or you will lose TV channels.

If you have 5 channels or fewer on any TV in your home, you will need to convert it to digital.

We spoke to the regional co-ordinator of the Switchover Help Scheme for London, Samantha Latouche for more.


The Switchover Help Scheme can be contacted at 0800 40 87654 or online at wherein you can also apply for help.