Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

OST 13.03.2010 – Bill Brewster’s DJ History Special

Soundtracks, library and televisual soundtrack-type shenanigans with Jonny Trunk. Today’s archive podcast is yet another show from 2010, when your host was joined by author, DJ, and crate-digging authority Bill Brewster. Co-founder of the highly influential ‘DJ History’ website, which started as a simple DJ and music forum and then mutated and grown into a publisher, label and reference point for legions of ‘clued-up DJs, record collectors and unshaven misanthropes’. Something tells me the average OST listener would fit right in!

Hooting Yard: My Inner Glove Compartment.

I thought I was getting on quite well, and was certainly showing no signs of delirium or derangement or discontent. Then I happened to mention the business to a colleague, who suggested that it was perhaps the contents of the inner glove compartment, the stuff I had crammed into it, with which I needed to get in touch. This was a revelation which necessitated a further round of metal tapping machine messages. From the responses I received I was able to draw up a lengthy list of items. Granted, this was a list of the things my car-owning acquaintances kept in their actual glove compartments, rather than the contents of my own inner one, but it gave me something to work with. And work I did, my mental cogs whirring away, greased and thrumming.

This episode was recorded on the 16th June 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase


Polish Deli 18 3 2012 with Rafal Mazur

This week at Polish Deli we talk to free improv musician from Poland, Rafal Mazur. Rafal has played bass guitar for many years, focusing on free improvised music in last 12 years. He has performed all over Europe, Asia and other places. Important part of Rafal’s artistic practice is combining Taoism and it’s philosophy with free improvised music. He is currently working on his PHD on this subject. In the program we talk about Rafal’s research, his work, and free improvised scene in Poland. We can also listen to some of his music and a mini improvised live set.

to visit out of date Rafal’s website go to:

language: Polish

Panel Borders: Gods and Monsters by Bernie Wrightson and Rebekah Isaacs

Panel Borders: Gods and Monsters by Bernie Wrightson and Rebekah Isaacs

Concluding our month of shows about iconoclastic American comic book artists, Alex Fitch talks to a master of horror comics, Bernie Wrightson, and a relative newcomer, Rebekah Isaacs who has made a name for herself in deftly rendered comics in a variety of genres. Alex talks to Bernie about his work on Swamp Thing and Warren Comics’ horror titles in the 1970s, on collaborating with Stephen King and George A. Romero in the 1980 and 90s and more recently working with Steve Niles at IDW on projects such as Dead, She Said, Doc Macabre, The Ghoul and their forthcoming collaboration Frankenstein Alive, alive. Alex and Rebekah chat about her career so far, working on superhero comics like DV8 with Brian Wood, her creator owner project Magus and the horror titles that have made her name, The Twilight Zone and the ongoing Angel and Faith.

Age of Iron / Angel and Faith by Rebekah Isaacs + Frankenstein / The Incredible Hulk and the Thing by Bernie Wrightson

Age of Iron / Angel and Faith by Rebekah Isaacs + Frankenstein / The Incredible Hulk and the Thing by Bernie Wrightson

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Bernie Wrightson’s website
Rebekah Isaacs’ website
Newsarama pages on Isaacs and Wrightson

Watch an extract from Alex Fitch interviewing Rebekah Isaacs

Watch an extract from Alex Fitch interviewing Rebekah Isaacs (starts at 3.47 min)

Continue reading

Hello GoodBye Show 17 March 2012: Tylehurst Children’s Arkestra and Teta Mona

Two Hello GoodBye debuts this lunchtime with Tilehurst Childrens Arkestra and Teta Mona performing LIVE & DIRECT!

Formed by five old friends from Reading, Tilehurst Children’s Arkestra have been playing in and around the South East since 2007. Their sound is as equally informed by teenage obsessions with metal, indie rock and rap music as it is by their more mature tastes in krautrock, jazz, and progressive rock – yet their main aim is to produce short, sharp, precise bursts of songs, a far cry from the endless faffing about associated with many of these genres.

December 2011 sees the release of Kopfsalatrock, Tilehurst Children’s Arkestra’s debut album, and it is the very epitome of DIY. The album was engineered, produced, and mixed by the band. They also produced the artwork themselves, funded it’s pressing onto 10 inch vinyl, and are releasing it in conjunction with Reading based label doubledotdash!? – a label that various members of the band have been heavily involved with since it started in 2004.

Potty mouthed perfect pop-punksters! Teta Mona is a side project that recently formed out of 2 London based bands; No Cars (Kyoko and Sachiko) and Screaming Tea Party (Teresa & Nyian). Teta Mona is a brand new project that originally began as a solo act for Teresa (ex STp, New York Howl, the Catcher Nine) but very quickly developed into a full band as the result of a spontaneous jam session that broke out at Scar studio, Camden.
And in conjunction with Resonance FM’s current fundraising drive the Hello GoodBye Show is selling off a show minute by minute – at the rate of £10 per minute!Use the time to promote your band/cause/political views/small business/megaglobal corporation. Email us at: to find out how to buy time on our ‘Pay-As-You-Go Hello GoodBye Show 2012? (scheduled for broadcast on Saturday 31st March between noon and 1.30pm)

Last year we sold all 90 minutes and a bit more (we went over into the next week’s show) making just over £900 for Resonance FM, let’s see if we can beat that this year!

Our Website * Our Facebook Page * Richard’s Twitter * Michael’s Twitter

Track list:
Virgin Prunes – Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Tylehurst Childrens Arkestra – Pure Russian Chocolate (LIVE SESSION)
Tylehurst Childrens Arkestra – 4 Hours In The Lettuce Factory (LIVE SESSION)
Tylehurst Childrens Arkestra – Stabby (LIVE SESSION)
Tylehurst Childrens Arkestra – The Horse That Never Loses (LIVE SESSION)
Taurus Trakker – 21 Miles To A Waterpump
Tylehurst Childrens Arkestra – ’Interview’
One Unique Signal – Jaded
Booze – Prayer For Rabbit
Pissinboy – 6 For A Fiver
Shrag – Tendons In The Night
Monochrome Set – Waiting For Alberto
Teta Mona – Truth Is Yours (LIVE SESSION)
Teta Mona – Love (LIVE SESSION)
Teta Mona – Down By The River (LIVE SESSION)
Emily & the Faves – So Long Sucker
Teta Mona – ’Interview’

Live sound engineers: Kacper Zienianin & Leanne Bower

Electric Sheep Podcast: Exploring The Lair of the White Worm

Electric Sheep Podcast: Exploring The Lair of the White Worm

In a panel discussion recorded at The Horse Hospital arts club after a screening of Ken Russell’s lurid Bram Stoker adaptation, The Lair of the White Worm, Mark Pilkington discusses the film with BFI Flipside programmers Vic Pratt and Will Fowler, touching on issues of the legend of the Lambton Worm, titillation in absurdity in British cinema and Russell’s three picture deal with Vestron Pictures in the 1980s.

Still from The Lair of the White Worm by Ken Russell

Still from The Lair of the White Worm by Ken Russell

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Wikipedia pages on the Lambton Worm and The Lair of the White Worm
Review of the event at
Russell reviews in Electric Sheep Magazine

In association with

Polish Deli 11 3 2012 with Adam Ziemianin

Second week in a row we focus on literature in Polish Deli. This time we talk to Adam Ziemianin, a Cracow based poet best known for his poems sung by Stare Dobre Malzenstwo.

We talk about Adam’s most recent book ‘Wilcze Podniebienie’ and his first attempts to write novels, rather than poetry. We also discuss his career and beginnings and get a chance to listen to ‘Stare Dobre Malzenstwo’, ‘Wolna Grupa Bukowina’ and Marek Galazka singing our guest’s lyrics. And yes, the surname of our guest being the same as the surname of our host is not just a coincidence, we are family!;-)

language: Polish

to find out more about Adam go to:

Hooting Yard: (Two Broken)

There was no sign of the twinkly-eyed ancient, but I saw the quantity surveyor, heading home from work. I accosted him, and told him I had got my lost rag back. I thought he would be pleased, but his eyes filled with tears, and he said:

“What does it profit a man, that he regains his rag but knows not the measure of the quantities he has surveyed?”

And he swept past me, hugging his briefcase to his chest, and trudged away into the salt and sand-strewn streets as night came crashing down.

This episode was recorded on the 9th June 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase


OST 09.01.2010 – Andy Weatherall

Film soundtracks, library and television music with Jonny Trunk. Due to popular demand here it is, our Andy Weatherall special from 2010.
‘What a guy, what records!’ said Jonny, who is rarely impressed by anything, which just goes to show what a momentous occasion it was when the producer, musician, DJ and all-round genius paid us a visit. What more needs to be said?

Panel Borders: Tim Sale – Painting Batman and other Heroes

Panel Borders: Tim Sale – Painting Batman and other Heroes

Continuing our month of shows about iconoclastic American comic book artists, in a Q and A recorded at last year’s Thought Bubble festival, Alex Fitch interviews artist Tim Sale about his career from early work like Thieves’ World and Billi 99 to his award winning collaborations with Jeph Loeb on Batman and the Marvel ‘colours’ tetralogy featuring Spider-Man, Daredevil and The Hulk. Alex and Tim also talk about the latter’s work on the TV series Heroes and the continuation of his most recent mini-seires, Captain America: White.

The Hulk, Superman, Batman and Heroes art by Tim Sale

The Hulk, Superman, Batman and Heroes art by Tim Sale

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.
Links: Tim Sale pages on Wikipedia and
Tim’s website and Heroes ‘wiki’ page
More info about Thought Bubble festival, Leeds Continue reading