Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Wavelength – Maurice Seddon’s Injunction

Captain Maurice Seddon in telephonic conversation. He was faced with an injunction at the Royal Courts of Justice to silence his numberless pack of dogs but thanks in no small part to his Mackenzie friend (me) the case has been adjourned for 3 months. Interpretations of the music for two Adolf Wolfli paintings by Baudouin de Jaer.

Hooting Yard: The Lobster’s Tune (Conclusion).

When first this desire consumed me, I did not bother myself with such niceties. I might be at an elegant and sophisticated cocktail party, and I would take someone aside, steer them to a corner where we would not be overheard, and say:

“Can I have your head? I want to take it across the sea, and drop it like an apple of discord.”

There would then follow a discussion in the course of which the familiar objections, of criminal intent and physical harm, would be raised. I blustered my way through these by wearing a fixed grin and waving my arms a lot, but the difficulties would not go away.

The Lobster’s Tune (Conclusion)

Hudson’s Head

Hudson’s Head Revisited

Bonkers Alibis

Variation On A Theme Of Gerard Manley Hopkins

Do The Dabble

This episode was recorded on the 30th June 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories and Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Reality Check: Modern children’s comics

Reality Check: Modern children’s comics

In a panel discussion recorded at last year’s SCI-FI-LONDON festival, CBBC presenter Chris Johnson talks to Paul Collicutt (Robot City adventures), Alex Milway (The Mythical 9th Division) and Eddie Robson (Doctor Who adventures) about creating Science-Fiction and Fantasy comics for kids and having interested children in the format, how to keep their love of comics going.

The Mythical 9th Division by Alex Milway, Robot City adventures by Paul Collicutt, Doctor Who Adventures by Eddie Robson

The Mythical 9th Division by Alex Milway, Robot City adventures by Paul Collicutt, Doctor Who Adventures by Eddie Robson

Listen to Alex Fitch’s interviews with Alex Milway and Paul Collicutt

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at Continue reading

Terry Smith – Artist

Artist Terry Smith who since 1978, has produced major projects for the Tate Modern, the British Museum and galleries the world over, particularly in South America. Known for his signature sculptures cut directly into the plaster of walls, mainly of derelict buildings – some with no public access – Smith is constantly experimenting with medium and has used film, audio and varied materials for his work.

Winner of the Paul Hamlyn Award, Smith with his communist upbringing is at times renegade about his work. His wide choice of mediums have in common the resonances of the London streets he grew up in, his love of music, spontaneity and the challenges that come with constant questioning and experimentation.  At Frieze this year Adam Curtis implored the artists of today to shock him with kindness, empathy and such-like qualities. Perhaps he is one of those who still haven’t heard of Smith, the artist’s artist.

Recorded and produced by Fari Bradley.

OST 04.02.2012 – Fiona Staniland’s Morricone In Love

Soundtracks, library music and other dirty smut with Jonny Trunk. Today he’s joined by Fiona Staniland, Morricone fan and now artist interpreting the wordless work of the maestro. Over the last year Fiona has been developing a show simply called “Morricone In Love” where, backed by her quintet (and the original films), performs the stunning music written for the underground Giallo movies of the 1968 – 1972 period. Fiona also treated us to a live performance of a couple of her favourites in anticpation of her sold-out show at Richmix in Bethnal Green Rd. And all this in spite of Robin and Kacper’s failed attempt got Jonny’s ancient Copycat echo machine working and provide the lady with some reverb. It’s probably still in the Resonance skip if anyone wants it…

Hooting Yard: Bashed On The Bonce With A Sap By A Copper

Like Spandau Ballet, I bought a ticket to the world. I wish I had paid more attention at the counter, however, because there was a misprint – I hesitate to say whether it was accidental or deliberate – and what I had actually bought was a ticket to the wold. Now, I am as much an aficionado of ranges of hills consisting of open country overlying a base of limestone or chalk as the next man, but my ticket did not specify which wold I could gain admittance to. I assumed it would be a wold within the Lincolnshire Wolds or the Yorkshire Wolds or the Cotswolds, but could narrow it down no further. I suppose I could have gone back to the kiosk where I bought the ticket, but frankly the person behind the counter frightened the wits out of me. Without going into details, just imagine a combination of Rolf Harris, Douglas Bader, and Beelzebub, and you will have some idea why I hadn’t stopped shuddering for a week.

Bashed On The Bonce With A Sap By A Copper

Eelworm In Phlox, Etc

A Ticket

A Note On Bags

The Boot Is On The Other Foot

The Lobsters Tune

This episode was recorded on the 23rd June 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase


Panel Borders: Comic stamps

Panel Borders: Comic stamps

Starting a month of shows all about British Comics, Alex Fitch interviews Richard Scholey, from design company The Chase, and Philip Parker, Head of Stamps strategy, Royal Mail, about the new range of comic book stamps which have just been released and feature art and covers from such classic titles as 2000AD, The Beano, The Eagle and The Dandy. Alex talks to Richard and Philip about their choice of covers, the design process and how the range of special stamps takes in high and low brow art throughout the year.

Comic book stamps released by the Royal Mail, March 2012

Originally broadcast 01/04/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Buy stamps from
Info about The Chase design company Continue reading

Hello GoodBye Show 24 March 2012: Booze and One Unique Signal

Performing live in session on the show this afternoon we have both Booze and One Unique Signal.

A supergroup no less of Demian Castellenos of previous guests on the Hello GoodBye Show, The Oscillation and Milo Smee of psychedelic space orchestra Chrome Hoof, who paired up to form the wonderfully named Booze to record their sparse, bass-driven debut LP 1/2 for All Time Low Recordings while on break from their main projects. The music is hypnotic and minimal and has just been taken out of the studio for their first live tour.

One Unique Signal:
Making their live debut on Resonance FM, One Unique Signal have been wowing the kids with their guitar noise attack for a couple of years now. With an album and EP to their name, they are repetitive, loud and well strung out, or as described by head Head Julian Cope: “the many headed mole that is One Unique Signal wears a German helmet surmounted by an all-weather arc light, kevlar’n’steel shoulder epaulets and close fitting drainage boots, his weapon-of-choice is the archaic-but-reliable Binson Echoplex, his totem is the gatefold inner of ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES (molto guitars’n’loco drone), and his sparse Inner Soundtrack appears to have been informed by a simply repeated diet of HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN GRILL-period Hawkwind, the aforemenched Loop and plenny plenny Spacemen Three.” — Julian Cope, Head Heritage Album of the Month

Our website * Our Facebook page * Richard’s Twitter * Michael’s Twitter

Track list:
Acolytes – Syncopated Sleep
Booze – Mescal Talking (LIVE SESSION)
Booze – Negative Inversion (LIVE SESSION)
Booze – The Last Straw (LIVE SESSION)
Booze – Rhubarb (LIVE SESSION)
Action Beat – Tay
Booze – ’Interview’
White Heels – No Game To Play
23 Skidoo – Coup
Nash The Slash – Blind Windows
No Frills Band – Pipe On The Hob / Hag On The Churn
deXter Bentley – (Looking For A Sign For The) Guggenheim
Teta Mona – Down By The River (HG Archive)
One Unique Signal – Jaded (LIVE SESSION)
One Unique Signal – Hey Alchemist (LIVE SESSION)
One Unique Signal – Dismemberment (LIVE SESSION)
One Unique Signal – Gora (LIVE SESSION)
Gunslingers – Into The Garage
One Unique Signal – ’Interview’

Live sound engineers: Kacper Ziemianin, Leanne Bower & Tom Kemp

Hello GoodBye Show 24 March 2012: Booze and One Unique Signal

Performing live in session on the show this afternoon we have both Booze and One Unique Signal.

A supergroup no less of Demian Castellenos of previous guests on the Hello GoodBye Show, The Oscillation and Milo Smee of psychedelic space orchestra Chrome Hoof, who paired up to form the wonderfully named Booze to record their sparse, bass-driven debut LP 1/2 for All Time Low Recordings while on break from their main projects. The music is hypnotic and minimal and has just been taken out of the studio for their first live tour.

One Unique Signal:
Making their live debut on Resonance FM, One Unique Signal have been wowing the kids with their guitar noise attack for a couple of years now. With an album and EP to their name, they are repetitive, loud and
well strung out, or as described by head Head Julian Cope: “the many headed mole that is One Unique Signal wears a German helmet surmounted by an all-weather arc light, kevlar’n’steel shoulder epaulets and
close fitting drainage boots, his weapon-of-choice is the archaic-but-reliable Binson Echoplex, his totem is the gatefold inner of ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES (molto guitars’n’loco drone), and his
sparse Inner Soundtrack appears to have been informed by a simply repeated diet of HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN GRILL-period Hawkwind, the aforemenched Loop and plenny plenny Spacemen Three.” — Julian Cope, Head Heritage Album of the Month

Our website * Our Facebook page * Richard’s Twit

Art Monthly Talk Show 9th March 2012

Private Moments

Morgan Quaintance makes the case for imaginative engagement as a form of participation

Discussion around particpatory art has missed one important category of engagement. Where is the analysis of artists – such as Manon de Boer and Marjolijn Dijkman – who purposefully cue up and then direct the individual viewer’s imagination?

‘Since the 1960s a real devaluation of the individual subject has seen the position of the communal and societal group as the rightful addressee of participatory art ossify.’  From the feature by Private Moments Morgan Quaintance in issue 354 March 2012  Art Monthly

The programme is hosted by Matt Hale who has worked at Art Monthly since 1991.

Previous episodes are available on Art Monthly’s website

Art Monthly magazine offers an informed and comprehensive guide to the latest developments in contemporary art.

Fiercely independent, Art Monthly’s news and opinion sections provide regular information and polemics on the

international art scene. It also offers In-depth interviews and features; reviews of exhibitions, performances, films and books; art law; auction reports and exhibition listings

Art Monthly magazine is indispensable reading!

Special magazine subscription offer for Resonance 104.4 listeners.Subscribe now and save 40% on the cover price at