Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Panel Borders: Buying and selling comics

Panel Borders: Buying and selling comics

Continuing our month long look at comic book shops, we have interviews with the proprietors of a couple of venues that are unlike your average comic shop. Veteran publisher Mike Lake and colleague Colin Strawbridge talk to Dickon Harris about their regular stall selling classic comics at the monthly Royal National Hotel Comic Mart off Russell Square. Also, in an interview recorded at last week’s Caption festival in Oxford, Alex Fitch talks to comic book creator Pete Renshaw, author of Burke and Hare: The West Port Murders, about Plan B, the graphic novels and coffee shop that he co-owns in Glasgow.

Interior of Plan B books, Glasgow and exterior of the Royal National Hotel, London

Interior of Plan B books, Glasgow and exterior of the Royal National Hotel, London

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Plan B Books, Glasgow
Pete’s myspace blog on Burke and Hare
Info about London Comic Marts
Blog post about Mike Lake and Forbidden Planet

Recommended events:

New Comic Internship at londonprintstudio for 21-25 Year Olds

Do you enjoy telling tall tales or scribbling stories? Do you love reading graphic novels, comics or picture books? Then look no further!

londonprintstudio is offering five carefully chosen 21-25 year olds the chance to…

-Run comic workshops for 16-20 year olds.
-Receive mentoring from top professional comic artists, anthology makers, screenwriters, print makers, comic publishers and art educators.
-Develop your own artistic comic projects with supervision from mentors and feedback from your fellow interns..
-Be introduced to the London comic scene, attend events, give presentations, network and meet publishers, editors and creators in the comic industry.
-Take part in editing, planning and creating work for a comic anthology publication and a comic exhibition at londonprintstudio.

The course is run by professional comic creator Karrie Fransman whose comics have appeared in The Times, The Guardian and who is currently working on her first graphic novel due to be published by Random House.
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Wavelength – Encyclopodia, Hugh de la Cruz

More extracts from the Encyclopodia. Hugh de la Cruz describes looking for volume two of the 3 volume edition of Mechanics Explained (1910 edition) and remembers Bloomsbury Rare Books on Museum Street. Tony Gross, optician and collector, struggles to construct a sentence after suffering a stroke. Two more tracks by Israel Quellet.

Hooting Yard: Monkey-Annoyance Expert

I banged my head on the baptismal font, but that was only the beginning of my troubles. The font was hewn from adamantine rock, and the water it contained, though of necessity holy water, was icy. When the priest slopped it on to my bashed head, I screamed at such a pitch that a stained glass window depicting the martyrdom of St Bibblybibdib (spikes, tongs, fire) was shattered. A falling shard sliced the priest’s jugular, and he collapsed, but not before dropping me into the font. While I splashed about, bawling and freezing, minuscule organisms with which the water was riddled swam into my ears, and burrowed tiny tunnels into my brain, wherein they laid their eggs.

This episode was recorded on the 13th January 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories and Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase.


Panel Borders: Comic Book Caption(s)

Panel Borders: Comic Book Caption(s)

Starting a month of shows about comic book shops, we have three interviews recorded at Oxford’s small press comics convention ‘Caption’. Alex Fitch talks to Doctor Who comic illustrator Al Davison, who runs a graphic novels and art supply shop in Coventry and to former Gay Comics writer Will Morgan, one of the proprietors of a comic book shop in Putney which specialises in classic British titles. Also, 2000AD artist P.J. Holden is interviewed by comics journalist Matt Badham, about the shops he frequented while growing up in Belfast.

Will Morgan, Al Davison and P.J. Holden sell their wares at Caption and other locations

Will Morgan, Al Davison and P.J. Holden sell their wares at Caption and other locations

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Will Morgan‘s shop 30th Century Comics, Putney
Will’s profile on
Buy Prime Cuts by Will Morgan writing as Howard Strangroom from

Al Davison‘s shop The Astral Gypsy, Coventry
Al’s Astral Gypsy and Muscle Memory blogs
Listen to Alex’s previous interview with Al Davison about Doctor Who comics

P.J. Holden‘s website
Articles about P.J. at Irish Comic News
Additional interview with P.J. by Matt Badham about breaking in to 2000AD

Caption website
Selina Locke’s photos of Caption 2010
Matt Badham’s blog
2000AD online

Recommended events:

Caption Comics festival 2011

Oxford’s small press comics festival is taking place this weekend, the 6th and 7th of August at the East Oxford Community centre.
Guests include Al Davison, Ian Culbard, Kate Brown, Paul Rainey, David O’Connell and Paul Duffield and tickets are a very reasonable five pounds per day, plus workshops on comic book creating, the annual Caption auction featuring original art pages and new pieces by attending creators and much, much more…

Find more info at

New Comic Internship at londonprintstudio for 21-25 Year Olds

Do you enjoy telling tall tales or scribbling stories? Do you love reading graphic novels, comics or picture books? Then look no further!

londonprintstudio is offering five carefully chosen 21-25 year olds the chance to…
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Electric Sheep Magazine podcast: Kosmos – Polish and Russian Sci-Fi cinema

Electric Sheep Magazine podcast: Kosmos – Polish and Russian Sci-Fi cinema

Electric Sheep Magazine editor Virginie Sélavy talks to Russian scholar Sergei Kapterev (Institute of Cinema Art in Moscow) about Soviet science fiction and the connection between SF cinema and politics, the impact of the space race and the Cold War period, and Roger Corman’s re-edits of popular Soviet SF films. (Originally broadcast 15/07/11 on Resonance FM)

Plus, in a Q and A recorded at SCI-FI-LONDON, April, 2010, Alex Fitch talks to Polish poster designer Andrzej Klimowski and SF writer / journalist Wojciech Orlinski about cinematic adaptations of the work of Stanislaw Lem from Steven Soderbergh and Andrei Tarkovsky’s adaptations of Solaris to more offbeat films such as Edward Zebrowski’s The Hospital of Transfiguration.

Stills from The Interrogation of Pilot Pirx and Icarus XB-1 based on the work of Stanislaw Lem

Stills from The Interrogation of Pilot Pirx and Icarus XB-1 based on the work of Stanislaw Lem

For more information and a variety of formats you can stream / download, please visit the home of this podcast at

In association with

Info about the partial broadcast of this show
Buy tickets for the Kosmos season at BFI Southbank
Info on British Library Lem event
Buy DVD box sets: Pojechane w kosmos – Masterpieces of Polish SF Cinema (including Test Pilot Pirxa [1978]) / the films of Piotr Szulkin (including Golem [1980] and War of the Worlds: Next Century [1981]) and the book Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanislaw Lem from
Read a discussion of Polish cinema on DVD at
Previous interviews with Andrzej Klimowski
June 2010 Electric Sheep podcast with Klimowski and Andrzej ?u?awski about ‘the Polish New Wave’
Info about the 2010 SCI-FI-LONDON screening of The Hospital of Transfiguration
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Wavelength – Encyclopodia, Steven Leiber

Talking to Steven Leiber via telephone from San Francisco in August 2009. Steven is the author and curator of Extra Art: A Survey of Artists’ Ephemera, 1960-1999. The complete interview will be accessible from the Resonance website as part of Encyclopodia; 26 podcasts relating to books + Israel Quellet; pour rameur de fitness (for fitness rower) from Soni Sclavus.

Panel Borders: The art of P.J. Holden

Panel Borders: The art of P.J. Holden

A special online exclusive episode of Panel Borders – in an interview recorded at Oxford’s Caption comic book festival in 2010, comics journalist Matt Badham talks to 2000AD artist P.J. Holden about his work, from his formative years combining art and computers to getting his first Judge Dredd assignment and his most recent projects.

Excerpt from a Judge Dredd strip by P.J. Holden and Gordon Rennie

Excerpt from a Judge Dredd strip by P.J. Holden and Gordon Rennie

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: P.J.’s website
Matt Badham’s blog
Caption website
2000AD online

Recommended events:

Caption Comics festival 2011

Oxford’s small press comics festival is taking place this weekend, the 6th and 7th of August at the East Oxford Community centre.
Guests include Al Davison, Ian Culbard, Kate Brown, Paul Rainey, David O’Connell and Paul Duffield and tickets are a very reasonable five pounds per day, plus workshops on comic book creating, the annual Caption auction featuring original art pages and new pieces by attending creators and much, much more…

Find more info at

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Hooting Yard: Headline News.

The Non-fictional St. Poppo (lance not pictured)

“After the death of Mrs Hawker, he fell into a condition of piteous depression, and began to eat opium. He moped about the cliffs, or in his study, and lost interest in every thing…

“He took it into his head that he could eat nothing but clotted cream. He therefore made his meals, breakfast, dinner, and tea, of this. He became consequently exceedingly bilious, and his depression grew the greater.”

This episode was recorded on the 6th December 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories and Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase


Six Pillars – Slavs, Pistons and a City of Leaves

Interviews recorded in UAE with artist Bahar Behbahani, the Slavs and Tatars collective and tracks from the new album by singer Sussan Deyhim. The film by Behbahani at Sharjah Biennial involved a collaboration across the Caspian sea while the installation by the Slavs and Tatars created the setting for ‘Friendship of Nations’, a work looking at the revolutionary potential of crafts and folklore behind the ideology of two key modern movements: the Islamic Revolution of ’79 and Poland’s Trade Union movement of the 1980s. Sussan Deyhim has been played on the show since 2005, her new album City of Leaves includes collaborations with Richard Horowitz and DJ Spooky.


Technical Difficulties 2:16

Tim Abbott, Kaliya Franklin and Stephen Lee Hodgkins had a roundtable discussion about organising the disabled community and looking to the future.

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.