Electric Sheep Magazine podcast: Kosmos – Polish and Russian Sci-Fi cinema
Electric Sheep Magazine editor Virginie Sélavy talks to Russian scholar Sergei Kapterev (Institute of Cinema Art in Moscow) about Soviet science fiction and the connection between SF cinema and politics, the impact of the space race and the Cold War period, and Roger Corman’s re-edits of popular Soviet SF films. (Originally broadcast 15/07/11 on Resonance FM)
Plus, in a Q and A recorded at SCI-FI-LONDON, April, 2010, Alex Fitch talks to Polish poster designer Andrzej Klimowski and SF writer / journalist Wojciech Orlinski about cinematic adaptations of the work of Stanislaw Lem from Steven Soderbergh and Andrei Tarkovsky’s adaptations of Solaris to more offbeat films such as Edward Zebrowski’s The Hospital of Transfiguration.
For more information and a variety of formats you can stream / download, please visit the home of this podcast at www.archive.org
Info about the partial broadcast of this show
Buy tickets for the Kosmos season at BFI Southbank
Info on British Library Lem event
Buy DVD box sets: Pojechane w kosmos – Masterpieces of Polish SF Cinema (including Test Pilot Pirxa [1978]) / the films of Piotr Szulkin (including Golem [1980] and War of the Worlds: Next Century [1981]) and the book Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanislaw Lem from amazon.co.uk
Read a discussion of Polish cinema on DVD at criterionforum.org
Previous interviews with Andrzej Klimowski
June 2010 Electric Sheep podcast with Klimowski and Andrzej ?u?awski about ‘the Polish New Wave’
Info about the 2010 SCI-FI-LONDON screening of The Hospital of Transfiguration
Recommended events:
Caption Comics festival 2011
Oxford’s small press comics festival is taking place this weekend, the 6th and 7th of August at the East Oxford Community centre.
Guests include Al Davison, Ian Culbard, Kate Brown, Paul Rainey, David O’Connell and Paul Duffield and tickets are a very reasonable five pounds per day, plus workshops on comic book creating, the annual Caption auction featuring original art pages and new pieces by attending creators and much, much more…
Find more info at www.caption.org
New Comic Internship at londonprintstudio for 21-25 Year Olds
Do you enjoy telling tall tales or scribbling stories? Do you love reading graphic novels, comics or picture books? Then look no further!
londonprintstudio is offering five carefully chosen 21-25 year olds the chance to:
-Run comic workshops for 16-20 year olds.
-Receive mentoring from top professional comic artists, anthology makers, screenwriters, print makers, comic publishers and art educators.
-Develop your own artistic comic projects with supervision from mentors and feedback from your fellow interns..
-Be introduced to the London comic scene, attend events, give presentations, network and meet publishers, editors and creators in the comic industry.
-Take part in editing, planning and creating work for a comic anthology publication and a comic exhibition at londonprintstudio.
The course is run by professional comic creator Karrie Fransman whose comics have appeared in The Times, The Guardian and who is currently working on her first graphic novel due to be published by Random House.
2 days (14 hours) per week for a six-months. Interns will receive a travel and food expenses budget for two days per week. All londonprintstudio staff and volunteers are required to have a Criminal Records Bureau Check.
Deadline for return of application form: Monday 5th September 2011
Interviews: Tuesday 13th September 2011
Start date: Tuesday 20th September 2011
For job description and application click here: http://www.londonprintstudio.org.uk/F13-intern.html
For more information on the project click here: http://www.londonprintstudiocomics.blogspot.com/
Gosh! comics events
Gosh! Comics have outgrown their happy home of 25 years and are moving to new, bigger premises in Soho!
To celebrate the opening of Gosh! Comics’ new store on Berwick Street and the opening of their new gallery space, the first event in the new premises is a signing and exhibition by celebrated comic book artist Dave McKean of his new graphic novel Celluloid.
Dave McKean will be signing at Gosh! from 2pm ‘til 4pm on Saturday the 6th of August. The exhibition runs until the 6th of September.
Then on the following week, acclaimed indie comics creator Luke Pearson will be launching his new title Everything We Miss, a book about the breakdown of a relationship and the infinitesimal events we would notice if our attention wasn’t directed elsewhere.
6pm – 8pm, Saturday 13th August, 2011
1 Berwick Street, London W1F 0DR
More info: www.goshlondon.com