Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Panel Borders: Kieron Gillen – Gameplay and fantasy comics

Panel Borders: Kieron Gillen – Gameplay and fantasy comics

Concluding our month of shows looking at the crossover between comics and games, Alex Fitch talks to writer Kieron Gillen about how his history as a video and computer game journalist influenced his comic writing career. Alex and Kieron talk about the latter’s experience writing for Warhammer Monthly, developing an online game The Curfew for Channel Four and how game playing has only a little impact on his writing Thor and Uncanny X-Men.

Panel from Save Point by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie, still from The Curfew, excerpt from Uncanny X-Men by Gillen, Matt Fraction and Greg Land

Panel from Save Point by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie, still from The Curfew, excerpt from Uncanny X-Men by Gillen, Matt Fraction and Greg Land

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Kieron’s website
Play The Curfew
Wikipedia pages on Warhammer, Kieron Gillen and the games review website he helped create, Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Recommended events:

Orbital comics events…

GARRY LEACH EXHIBITION 13.07.11 – 12.08.11

Orbital Comics is very proud to present an exhibition of work by the great Garry Leach (Miracleman, Dan Dare).

The exhibition, which will run from Monday 11th for one month, includes pages from Judge Dredd, Warrior, The Twelve pencilled by Chris Weston, Transmetropolitan, pages inked by Garry from Benaroya Publishing’s Marksmen and more.


A panel discussion of the King of Comics’ work on Friday July 29th, with exhibition curator Jason Atomic, Charles Hatfield (comics academic and writer for the Jack Kirby Collector), David Hine (Bulletproof Coffin, Detective Comics), Garry Leach (Marksmen, Marvelman), Mike Lake and moderator Paul Gravett.

7.30pm, Friday 29th July, 2011

Orbital Comics, 8 Great Newport Street, London WC2H 7JA
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Wavelength – Encyclopodia, Ron Heisler

Talking to Ron Heisler; collector of political pamphlets since 1948, 30,000 of which he donated to Senate House Library. This is one of 26 podcasts intended to coincide with the London Art Book Fair held at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in October. The podcasts all relate to books in one way or another and will eventually be available from the Resonance website

Hooting Yard: Alphabet Soup

They called him Blomqvist, and he was the village wrestler. He lived in a room above the post office. No other living being ever set foot in the room until the day Blomqvist died. They found him lying on his bed, as if he were asleep, but there was no doubt that he was dead, for hovering above his chest was a baleful phantom, emitting gruesome suppurations of foul-smelling extraterrestrial hideousness which it poured into a funnel inserted into Blomqvist’s right ear. They closed up the room and nailed the door shut. It remained unopened for the next hundred years.

This episode was recorded on the 25th November 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories and Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Laydeez do podcasts: Beyond the page

Laydeez do podcasts: Beyond the page

In three talks recorded at Laydeez do comics, we’re looking at dissemination of comics beyond the printed page, as University of Bournemouth lecturer Jo Tyler talks about adapting comic books for the radio, interviewer and journalist Alex Fitch talks about his experience of talking to comic book creators for broadcast and podcast and Lebanese cartoonist Joumana Medlej talks about her comic book Malaak: Angel of peace, which is available online and for a variety of devices which allow the reader to explore the language of the comic further than a simple translation.
(Introduced and recorded by Nicola Streeten, edited by Alex Fitch)

Excerpt from Malaak by Joumana Medlej, Jo Tyler and Lobo, Alex Fitch (art by Sarah McIntyre)

Excerpt from Malaak by Joumana Medlej, Jo Tyler and Lobo, Alex Fitch (art by Sarah McIntyre)

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Radio Production at Bournemouth University
Read an extract of Salmon Doubts by Adam Sacks
Wikipedia page on Lobo

Interview with Alex Fitch at
Archive of Alex’s early radio work

Malaak: Angel of Peace website

Read the Laydeez do comics blog
Info about Laydeez do comics

Technical Difficulties 2:15

Tim Abbott talks his own life experience of disability and a journey of discovery.

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Panel Borders: Pat Mills’ Infamous comics and games

Panel Borders: Pat Mills’ Infamous comics and games

Continuing our month of shows about the crossover between games and comics, Alex Fitch talks to writer Pat Mills about the series of seven online comic strips he’s written to accompany the release of the new PlayStation game inFAMOUS 2. In the comic strips, riffing on the idea of fame and infamy, Pat and editor Howard Marks are satirising modern celebrities and also giving them and their companions the kind of powers you might find in the game. Alex and Pat talk about writing these strips, his previous experiences in writing interactive comics in the form of 2000AD spin off title The Dice Man and his thoughts on web comics and strips available for ebook readers.

Panels from inFAMOUS: the fame strips by Pat Mills and (left to right) Ellen Lindner, Luke Pearson, Kate Brown and Fay Dalton

Panels from inFAMOUS: the fame strips by Pat Mills and (left to right) Ellen Lindner, Luke Pearson, Kate Brown and Fay Dalton

Links: Read inFAMOUS: the fame strips at
Listen to Alex’s previous interviews with Pat Mills
Ellen Linder’s website
Luke Pearson’s website
Kate Brown’s website
Fay Dalton’s website

Recommended events:

Pub Fiction presents…

The regular ‘Pub Fiction’ slot at the Lass O’Gowrie pub in Manchester presents Q and As with popular British comic book and fantasy writers:

Al Ewing, July 22nd, 6.30pm (£2 / ticket)
Bryan Talbot, July 23rd, 5pm (£5 / ticket)
Stephen Gallagher, July 23rd, 6.30pm (£5 / ticket)
Paul Magrs and George Mann, July 24th, 5pm (£2 / ticket)

Buy tickets at We Got Tickets or pay on the door.

Part of The Lass O’Gowrie‘s LassFest.

The Lass O’Gowrie
36 Charles Street
M1 7DB
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Wavelength – Yann Beauvais

Edited interview with Yann Beauvais, experimental filmmaker and co-founder, with Miles McKane, of Scratch Projection and Light Cone; Paris based distributor of experimental films established in 1982. The tape was recorded in a Paris restaurant in 1989. Concludes with a short track by Israel Quellet pour percussions et saturation 2’21” from Soni Sclavus.

Art Monthly July 2011









Bob Dickinson, writer and BBC broadcaster discusses his visit and review of  Time Machine Biennial: No Network  in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina with Paul O’Kane, writer, lecturer and artist, who discusses his review of the book by Gillian Whiteley entitled Junk: Art and Politics of Trash

Art Monthly magazine’s talk programme on Resonance FM started in February 2009 and is broadcast on the second Friday of each month at 5pm. In each show Art Monthly critics discuss their writing in the latest issue.

The programme is hosted by Matt Hale who has worked at Art Monthly since 1991 and produced by Frederika Whitehead.

Previous episodes are available on Art Monthly’s website

Art Monthly magazine offers an informed and comprehensive guide to the latest developments in contemporary art.

Fiercely independent, Art Monthly’s news and opinion sections provide regular information and polemics on the

international art scene. It also offers In-depth interviews and features; reviews of exhibitions, performances, films and books; art law; auction reports and exhibition listings

Art Monthly magazine is indispensable reading!

Special magazine subscription offer for Resonance 104.4 listeners.Subscribe now and save 40% on the cover price at


Hooting Yard: A Note On Gnomes.

Because of his drooling, the slack-jawed dribbler was a man of few words. It was said that he expressed himself more fully in the waltz than he could ever manage with words. When he spoke, he slurred and slurped and his eyes grew wild. The fey ladies shuddered or swooned, and who can blame them? It is also true that he had no conversation, of the kind suitable for tea dances and soirées. He had fixed views on two or three topics of limited interest, and these he expounded, so far as his drooling and slurring and slurping allowed, in a low monotone indistinguishable at times from the buzz of a distant swarm of hornets.

This episode was recorded on the 2nd December 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the five publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants and Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories are available for purchase

Panel Borders: Level Up – the work of Gene Luen Yang

Panel Borders: Level Up – the work of Gene Luen Yang

Continuing our month of shows about the crossover between comics and video games, Alex Fitch talks to American cartoonist Gene Luen Yang about his recent comics about games – his graphic novel Level Up and web strip Legends of the Joystick, both illustrated in watercolours by Thien Pham. Alex and Gene also talk about the use of autobiography in his comics, the elegant simplicity of older video games, and the occurrences of magical realism in his work from American Born Chinese to his forthcoming graphic novels about the Boxer Rebellion.

Excerpts from Level Up and Legends of the Joystick by Gene Luen Yang and Thien Pham

Excerpts from Level Up and Legends of the Joystick by Gene Luen Yang and Thien Pham

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Read Legends of the Joystick and an extract from Level Up at
Read an additional behind the scenes cartoon about Level Up by Yang at
Gene’s website:
Interview with Gene Luen Yang and Thien Pham at

Recommended events:

Pub Fiction presents…

The regular ‘Pub Fiction’ slot at the Lass O’Gowrie pub in Manchester presents Q and As with popular British comic book and fantasy writers:

Ramsey Campbell, July 18th, 6.30pm (£5 / ticket)
John Reppion, July 19th, 6.30pm (£2 / ticket)
Al Ewing, July 22nd, 6.30pm (£2 / ticket)
Bryan Talbot, July 23rd, 5pm (£5 / ticket)
Stephen Gallagher, July 23rd, 6.30pm (£5 / ticket)
Paul Magrs and George Mann, July 24th, 5pm (£2 / ticket)

Buy tickets at We Got Tickets or pay on the door.

Part of The Lass O’Gowrie‘s LassFest.

The Lass O’Gowrie
36 Charles Street
M1 7DB
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