Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Wavelength – Drum Soup part 2

Drum Soup Part 2: a melange of percussion, Steve Reich, Drumming; Milford Graves Percussion Ensemble with Sunny Morgan, Nothing 19,13 and Nothing (ESP 1965); Kip Hanrahan, Desire Develops an Edge; Bow Gamelan Ensemble, Great Noises that Fill the Air; Edward Ka-Spel, Alas my Shrunken Head; Israel Quellet, Oppressum and Soni Sclavus.

Hooting Yard: Goblin Colour Codes

We learn, for example, about the lives of the threesome before their retirement. There is Bim, at the random grim forge, fettling for a great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! And there is Bam, also at a random grim forge, also fettling. And Nat, too, at the next forge along the lane, and he too fettling, as the sun beats down on a rustic scene redolent of Lark Rise To Candleford. Pebblehead gives us so much detail about random grim forges and the fettling of bright and battering sandals for great grey drayhorses that the reader could, with confidence, given an anvil and a few tools, set up their own smithy’s.

This episode was recorded on the 20th January 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories and Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase


Panel Borders: Gosh! It’s Electric Man!

Panel Borders: Gosh! It’s Electric Man!

Concluding our month of shows looking at comic book shops, Alex Fitch talks to Andrew Salmond and Josh Palmano, the proprietors of Gosh! Comics in London which, after 25 years, has relocated from Great Russell Street to the heart of Soho and to Dave Barras, director, and Scott Mackay, co-writer, of the new UK comedy film Electric Man about a rare stolen comic, set in the Edinburgh independent shop, Deadhead comics…

Exterior of Gosh! Comics, Soho + interior of Deadhead Comics, Edinburgh, as featured in Electric Man

Exterior of Gosh! Comics, Soho + interior of Deadhead Comics, Edinburgh, as featured in Electric Man

For more info and a variety of formats you can stream or listen to this podcast in, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Gosh! website
Interview with Josh at
Interview with Andrew at

Electric Man website and production blog
Review of Deadhead comics at
Preview of Electric Man at Forbidden International Blog

Recommended events:

Belfast Comics ‘Barcamp”

The date has been confirmed for the second Comics Barcamp in the English speaking world – essentially an “unconference”, a creative business brainstorming seminar, run along communal lines.

To take place at Blick Studios in Belfast in September, who are also co-sponsors of the event, this free gathering is aimed at anyone who likes or creates small press/ underground comix or who simply enjoys non-hierarchical events with an emphasis on spirit of creativity, alternatives and co-operation.

Blick Studios, Belfast, Saturday 3rd September

More info at

New Comic Internship at londonprintstudio for 21-25 Year Olds

Do you enjoy telling tall tales or scribbling stories? Do you love reading graphic novels, comics or picture books? Then look no further!

londonprintstudio is offering five carefully chosen 21-25 year olds the chance to…

-Run comic workshops for 16-20 year olds.
-Receive mentoring from top professional comic artists, anthology makers, screenwriters, print makers, comic publishers and art educators.
-Develop your own artistic comic projects with supervision from mentors and feedback from your fellow interns..
-Be introduced to the London comic scene, attend events, give presentations, network and meet publishers, editors and creators in the comic industry.
-Take part in editing, planning and creating work for a comic anthology publication and a comic exhibition at londonprintstudio.

The course is run by professional comic creator Karrie Fransman whose comics have appeared in The Times, The Guardian and who is currently working on her first graphic novel due to be published by Random House.

2 days (14 hours) per week for a six-months. Interns will receive a travel and food expenses budget for two days per week. All londonprintstudio staff and volunteers are required to have a Criminal Records Bureau Check.

Deadline for return of application form: Monday 5th September 2011
Interviews: Tuesday 13th September 2011
Start date: Tuesday 20th September 2011

For job description and application click here:
For more information on the project click here:

Sitting With Gianluca with Coventry band Pint Shot Riot

Sitting With Gianluca is Coventry band Pint Shot Riot. The band were busking in New York when Gianluca saw them and dragged them back to his flat to find out more about them. Originally broadcast on April 6th. Since the original broadcast, one of the band’s songs has been picked by the BBC TV’s Final Score to run under the sports newsround section.

Wavelength – Drum Soup part 1

Drum Soup: Little Drummer Boy by Low from Low Christmas, The Little Drummer Boy by Jonathan Kane, The Kroumata Percussion Ensemble play Pulse (1939) by Henry Cowell, Tobi Ilu by Art Blakey and the Afro-Drum Ensemble from The African Beat, Adventures in Anatomy from Badges; the fifth album by the Vitamin B12, Toad by Cream live at the Fillmore, Split Skins by Art Blakey from Orgy in Rhythm.

Technical Difficulties 2:18

On this week’s show, we consulted Glaswegian GP Margaret McCartney about the growing and sustained disquiet around the role of doctors in the assessment of disability benefit. The General Medical Council is concerned enough to be investigating the practice. Dr. McCartney helps us cast some light on Atos, doctors and the work capacity assessment.

You can find Margaret McCartney on

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Wavelength – Encyclopodia, Nicky Hamlyn and Tony Gross

Encyclopodia continued: Nicky Hamlyn describes recovering his copy of The Whole Earth Catalogue after 20 years, driving over a philosophy book on Essex Road and paying to have an index included in his own book published by The British Film Institute. Optician and collector Tony Gross listens as I describe finding an album of photographs of Admiralty Radio Stations (1918) at a book fair. Otto Muehl; Psycho-Motorik Musik and a track from Oppressum by Israel Quellet.

Panel Borders: War (comic), what is it good for?

Panel Borders: War (comic), what is it good for?

In an episode of Panel Borders previously broadcast as a live ‘Clear Spot’, Alex Fitch talks to Paul Gravett, Ariel Kahn, Eileen Cassavetti, Francesca Cassavetti, and David Blandy about about the importance of war comics in culture and bringing the experience of war and conflict to new readers in a way that text alone can’t fully realise, plus the forthcoming Comics and Conflicts conference and events at the Imperial War Museum. Plus, in excerpts from a couple of classic episodes Alex talks to Garth Ennis and Grant Rogers interviews Pat Mills about Charley’s War.

Alex Fitch, Ariel Kahn, Paul Gravett, Eileen Cassavetti and Francesca Cassavetti in the studio at Resonance FM, photo by Nick Tesco

Alex Fitch, Ariel Kahn, Paul Gravett, Eileen Cassavetti and Francesca Cassavetti in the studio at Resonance FM, photo by Nick Tesco

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Info about the Comics and Conflicts events at the Imperial War Museum
Book tickets at (scroll down to find individual events
Info about Francesca and Eileen Cassavetti at
David Blandy’s film Child of the Atom
Info about War: The Human Cost
Charley’s War website
Wikipedia pages on Garth Ennis’ War Stories and Battlefields

Recommended events:

Comics and Conflicts festival , Imperial War Museum

…will be held on 19-20 August, 2011 at the Imperial War Museum in London, and is aimed at comics scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts. Conference speakers and guests include: Pat Mills (Charley’s War); Martin Barker and Roger Sabin on Doonesbury; Garth Ennis (Troubled Souls, War Stories) and Francesca Cassavetti(Fabtoons).

On Friday 19th, there is an academic conference, in which University students and writers will be presenting papers on the subject of War Comics throughout the day, followed by a talk by Charley’s War author Pat Mills. There are tickets available for the conference which includes the talk by Pat Mills, or the talk is available as a separate ticket.

On Saturday 20th, there are talks, panels and workshops by small press creators and international authors, including a hour long discussion with Garth Ennis on stage in his first UK appearance at a comics festival in many years.

All Saturday events are £6 / the final event of the weekend, The Comics go to War film screening is FREE!

Imperial War Museum,
Lambeth Road,
London SE1 6HZ

Nearest tube: Lambeth North (Bakerloo) / Elephant and Castle (Northern line, City Branch) / Southwark (Jubilee)

Book tickets at

The Comics and Conflicts events form part of a Children’s literature festival being held from 13-21 August 2011, which accompanies the Imperial War Museum’s new exhibition Once Upon A Wartime: Classic War Stories for Children.  For more information about the exhibition and the festival visit the Imperial War Museum web site.

Full listing of events at
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Outsider In – R Stevie Moore

The last time I saw R Stevie Moore was in September 2007. After many emails and phone calls, getting lost on my cumbersome police motorcycle on the highways of New Jersey, I arrived 4 hours late but was still given a warm welcome – we chatted into the evening, Kris, his parter made me some dinner and Steve and I unfurled our sleeping kit and lay on the studio floor together as he told me he snored and we would sleep in the studio so Krys would not be disturbed. A CD was produced which played on repeat all night – white noise – it was the only way I can get to sleep – Stevie said.

Late 2010, Steve left Bloomfield New Jersey, his home with Krys for 30 or so years and found his way back to Nashville – the town he grew up in – this time, he was homeless. This was to be a blessing, or so it seems, as he re-made and made friends eventually being approached by John Demiglio, a film maker who suggested a documentary on Steve, on one condition; that he would organise a world tour for Steve, along with the Band Tropical Ooze.

Earlier this year, I heard of the plans for the world tour as the money to do the project was raised on line through I got in touch with Mr. Moore and he agreed to meet up in London. I was very fortunate as the itinerary for the tour left us very little elbow room. At 2.15 the tour van rolled up on the last day of the European leg of the tour in Borough High St and we recorded this special edition of Outsider In before they rushed over to do a sound check at the Lexington in Islington.

I put Stevie and the band up in my house (luckily nearby) after the gig. We all had breakfast together – Stevie seemed tired and withdrawn; I guess he was saving his energy for the stage – and it was a superb gig he played the night before. I gave them a hug and waved them off as they went to fly back to the USA to do a final West Coast tour which should prove to be amazing – Ariel Pink is going to play live with Stevie and that is really something to look forward to.

For Moore, go to


Technical Difficulties 2:17

Sarah Ball of Leonard Cheshire Disability on the Tri-Together inclusive triathlon in London and Marshall Thomas on behalf of the Dan Maskell Tennis Trust as two men played the world record for the longest game of tennis ever to raise funds.

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.