Category Archives: Hooting Yard

Hooting Yard

Hooting Yard: Gods

More thrilling stories from Hooting Yard. This episode was first broadcast on January 19th 2005.

Geb. Hapi. Anubis. Khnum. Ra. These are gods. They are not toys or trinkets, plastic figurines or dolls made out of scraps of wool or straw. They are gods. Maat. Aten. Sekhmet. Hathor. Horus. These too are gods. Mighty, imperious gods. Geb is the Great Cackler, Hapi the Father of the Gods, Anubis the Jackal, Khnum the Lord of the Cool Waters, Ra the Sun God, Maat the Goddess of Truth, Aten the Lord of All, Sekhmet the Mighty One, Hathor the Mistress of Heaven and Horus He Who Is Above. Bow down before them for they are powerful deities.

  • Pageantry (A boisterous parade)
  • Gods (Egyption and Aztec)
  • One Afternoon on the lane that runs from Coctlosh to Pointy Town.
  • Fripp it to Shreds ( )
  • Bogodan

Hooting Yard: The Private Memoirs & Confessions of an Ignorant Ornithologist

Saw a worm being dragged from the soil by something much bigger than it, possibly with wings. Rang Dennis to tell him about it. He said he’d come and check, but by the time he arrived, puffed out, ten minutes later, the thing was gone, and there was no sign of the worm. Dennis said it was probably a cassowary.

* 44 Curlews, an account of Dobson’s birdwatching outing.
* Inconsequential Trivia (about the Kennedy Assasination)
* When I was interrogated
* Stress, Distress, Tristesse
* The Private Memoirs & Confessions of an Ignorant Ornithologist
* Erst Spruce, Now Rusty and Squalid
* The Mincing Corsair (A letter of complaint)
* Meldrum Fonseca : Ãœber-Trombonist
* Preamble to a report on the 26 lighthouses of Hoon.

Hooting Yard: When Blodgett met Dobson

“Four kinds of wild pigs are found. The most numerous, or at least the most often seen, as it lies about our enclosures, is the common thorn-hog. It is the largest of the wild pigs, long-bodied and flat-sided, in colour much the hue of the mud in which it wallows.” – Richard Jefferies, After London

The first Hooting Yard of 2005 brings more revelations into the literary life of Dobson, plus advice on keeping a wild-pig.

* Tsunami Apeal
* Introduction (Belshazar’s Feast)
* Me and my Thorn-Hog
* In a Cabin, On a Ship (When Blodgett met Dobson)
* Phantasmal Quest Thing (Dobson’s Tolkienesque Fantasy)
* Belshazar’s Feast (A story about Abba)
* Hengist Pod Asks a Question
* Quotation from Robert Burton, “The Anatomy Of Melancholy”
* Has he taken leave of his senses? (An invistigation into the detective methods of Confidential Agent Blott)
* The Cabinet of Doctor Calicagcag

Online Learning with Hooting Yard

A valuable learning experience for Hooting Yard listnerrs. You will gain insights into crocodiles, otters and Bolivian priests. This episode was first broadcast on the 29th of December 2004.

* Dobsonia (An extract from Dobson’s autobiography)
* Online Learning with Hooting-Yard
* Ask Uncle Dan
* How Dobson Spent Boxing-day
* Further Science – Book 20
* Bats
* At the Duckpond
* Extract from “Blood For The Vampire Dead”
* At home with Tanqod Shuddery

Hooting Yard: Hinged / Unhinged

This sombre episode of Hooting Yard; first broadcast on December 22nd 2004 begins with an appeal for those who do not know if they are hinged or unhinged.

* Hinged, Unhinged or Neither (An appeal)
* I saw three ships (Trapping Bol Weevils)
* The Legend of the Grunty Man
* Petrochemical Shiver-me-Timbers conclave
* Recipe: Boiled Cormorant a-la Dobson
* The Cardboard Club

Hooting Yard: The Swiss Family Robinson

This epoch-shattering episode of Hooting Yard on the Air was first brodcast on the 15th December 2004. Once again, we begin the show with an exciting anecdote combining ornithological and nautical themes.

* The Swiss Family Robinson
* To Important Birthdays (Christopher Plumber and Dick Van Dyke)
* One Morning on the lane that runs from Pointy Town to Coctlosh
* Old Doddery Martin
* Tiny Enid Confronts the Russian Bear
* Stairway to Heaven
* In Loopy Copse
* Three Blue Days of Imbecilic Glee
* The Dark Night of the Soul
* Constance, Bereft

Hooting Yard: Rare Editions of the Bible

Rejoice! Another exciting episode of Hooting Yard to start your week. This episode was first broadcast on the 1st of December 2004. It includes two poems about blindness and fanciful facts about the Bible.

* The Teutonic Memory Banks of Mister Blatfinch
* My Little Blind Dolly
* My Little Blind Crow
* The Adventures of Tiny Enid
* Hooting Yard Encyclopedia
* The Crucial Importance of Topiary
* Some Rare Editions of the Bible
* Jar Hints
* About Belt, Bong and Yaw

Hooting Yard: A stern refutation

First broadcast on September 30th 2004, this significant episode begins with a stern corrective pertaining to the physiology and lifestyle of the common toad. Frank introduces the first part of “The Horrible Cave”, an exciting adventure series for the young and old.

* A Refutation of some of the less plausible claims made by Dennis Cargpan in his woeful lecture delivered from the balcony of the civic hall at Bodger’s Spinney on Thursday last during a hailstorm to a gathering of ingrates and orphans.
* What to do on a winter’s day in Tantarabim
* The Horrible Cave Part One
* Tales of the riverbank (Glamorous Moles)
* “Bell”
* Pie Shop Deep Space Six
* A voracious Bricklayer & other matters (Times headlines of the 1790s)
* Lines written in a sordid hut

Hooting Yard: The Names of the Ponds

This exciting episode of Hooting Yard brings the first in a series of Bulgarian folk tales, plus a catalogue of Hooting Yard’s most significant ponds. It was first broadcast on the 15th of September 2004.

* Ugo’s New Hooter
* The Hooting Yard Search Engine Lure
* The Lactose-intolerant Jezebel of Botnia, her impending flu jab, and the howling of wolves at dusk.
* The Names of the Ponds