I’m ready for my close-up: Comics and film by Javier Mariscal
Alex Fitch talks to internationally renowned designer Javier Mariscal about his career so far from drawing sketches in bars which got picked up by the design community as the basis of everything from chairs to Olympic Mascots to his comic strip Los Garriris, the subject of a recent exhibition in Brussels. Alex and Javier also discus the designer’s recent role as animator and co-director of the cartoon feature film Chico and Rita and how the movie was subsequently adapted into a graphic novel.
For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream / download the recording in, please visit the home of this podcast at www.archive.org
Links: Info about the Chico and Rita graphic novel from Self Made Hero
Chico and Rita official film website
Wikipedia pages on Javier Mariscal and Chico and Rita
Info about Mariscal’s Los Garriris exhibition in Brussels