Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

I’m ready for my close-up: Comics and film by Javier Mariscal

I’m ready for my close-up: Comics and film by Javier Mariscal

Alex Fitch talks to internationally renowned designer Javier Mariscal about his career so far from drawing sketches in bars which got picked up by the design community as the basis of everything from chairs to Olympic Mascots to his comic strip Los Garriris, the subject of a recent exhibition in Brussels. Alex and Javier also discus the designer’s recent role as animator and co-director of the cartoon feature film Chico and Rita and how the movie was subsequently adapted into a graphic novel.

Still from Chico and Rito by Javier Mariscal and Fernando Trueba

Still from Chico and Rito by Javier Mariscal and Fernando Trueba

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream / download the recording in, please visit the home of this podcast at

Links: Info about the Chico and Rita graphic novel from Self Made Hero
Chico and Rita official film website
Wikipedia pages on Javier Mariscal and Chico and Rita
Info about Mariscal’s Los Garriris exhibition in Brussels

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Six Pillars – A Lebanese State of Mind

Curator of the 2010 Lebanon Pavilion at Venice Biennial, writer and curator Georges Rabbath lays out ‘A Plot for A Biennial’, an interactive happening following Lebanon’s official retraction from the Venice Biennial, 11.

At the Sharjah Art Foundation, Georges explains how T H E S T A T E O F M I N D project at this year’s biennial will make a transferable collection of artworks for any place where the world of art has become, he quotes ‘a zoo’.

Panel Borders: Small Press Soundtracks

Panel Borders: Small Press Soundtracks

Continuing our month of shows about the crossover between music and comics, Alex Fitch talks to the creators of a couple of small press publications which feature music in their stories and contain a soundtrack to listen to while you read the comic.
Writer Sam Gardner and artists Jake Rowlinson and Lee O’Connor talk about Sioux Warrior, a new comic about a mysterious hero who is one part Sitting Bull and one part Phantom of the Opera and while enjoying his adventures, the reader is serenaded by a sound chip built into the publication itself. Alex also chats to Babak Ganjei about his graphic novel Hilarious Consequences, an irreverent but touching autobiographical book in which the author documents his travails in being a singer-songwriter and father while breaking the fourth wall in humorous asides to the reader; the book contains a compilation CD of tracks from Babak’s label, Records Records Records Records…

Sioux Warrior cover and interiors by Sam Gardner, Jake Rowlinson and Lee O Connor / Hilarious Consequences by Babak Ganjei

Sioux Warrior cover and interiors by Sam Gardner, Jake Rowlinson and Lee O Connor / Hilarious Consequences by Babak Ganjei

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: More info about Sioux Warrior at
More info about Hilarious Consequences at
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Sine Of The Times 21/05/11

The cutting edge of London’s underground dance music scene with Thomas Lee and Rita Maia. It’s the last show for a while in which the crate-digging duo have the studio to themselves, as the SOTT diary is fairly groaning under the weight of all the talent we’ve got coming in over the next few episodes. Today’s programme contains a few sneak previews of forthcoming attractions as well as our current pick of the tunes blowing up dancefloors near you. Pay close attention…

Fatima – Red Lights
Africa Hitech – Light The Way
Elan – Dry Lemons
Ta-ku Hey Kids
Lv & Joshua Idehn – Northern Line
Sully – Toffee Apple
Mau’lin – Deeper Than The Sun
SBTRKT (ft. Sampha)-Living Like I Do
Circle Traps – Mirrors & Monuments
Milyoo – Kazaduno
Two Inch Punch – Luv U up
Spectr – Dance 4 U (Forthcoming Kicks & Snares)
Blawan- Getting Me Down
SCB – Future Unknown
Guy Andrews – 4030
Photek – Rings Arround Saturn (Breach Remix)
Subeena – Space Flow
Take – Juniper (Om Unit Remix)
Zomby (ft. Panda Bear)- Things Fall Appart
My Panda Shall Fly – injury (Throwing Snow Remix)
Sepulcure – Taking You Back

Why not get in touch and send us your tracks?

Twitter: @sineradio



Hello GoodBye Show 21 May 2011: The Mekons and Irmin Schmidt

Post-punk iconoclasts The Mekons join us to perform live in session on Resonance FM this Saturday lunchtime.

With a new album (Ancient & Modern) set for imminent release plus a documentary in the pipeline by filmmaker Jon Angio (Revenge of The Mekons), the collective of artists and musicians that comprise The Mekons are thankfully showing no signs of shipping back to Venus. In 1978 The Mekons’ debut single ‘Never Been In A Riot’, was denied distribution by Rough Trade after they deemed it too lo-fi and scratchy for the common or garden post-punk punter, yet despite this ignominious beginning the group are currently in their 5th decade and still going strong. Tune in to hear their distinct brand of barnstorming, politically charged, country-punk music.

Plus an interview with Irmin Schmidt, ex-keyboard player of CAN who talks about Lost Tapes, the upcoming boxed set of unreleased archive recordings from the Krautrock legends and his own soundtrack recordings.

Track list:
The Mekons – Never Been In A Riot
The Mekons – Beaten And Broken (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Club Mekon (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Abernant 1984/85 (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Hole In The Ground (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Fantastic Voyage (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Dan Dare
The Mekons – Interview
Interview with Irmin Schmidt by Michael Garrad
The Mekons – Corporal Chalkie (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Tina (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Heaven And Back (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Oblivion (LIVE SESSION)
The Mekons – Big Zombie (LIVE SESSION)
Now – Ra
Skinjobs – Money In The Bank Vs. Money In The Pocket
The Mekons – Interview

Wavelength – David Leister, Kino Club

David Leister, host of The Optical Sound Show, veteran filmmaker, presenter of the Kino Club since the 1980s and virtuoso projectionist talks about the 9.5mm film club, his part in the proliferation of film projectors in Art Galleries and his patented film loop device.

Chips For The Poor Episode 9: Radio Rapture

Celebrating the end of the world and the end of the series, listen in as Chips For The Poor take you down a three-note musical spiral with special guest FX from Smack Miranda. Are you one of the saved?

Voice on Record: Episode 54 (J.B. Priestley and Gerald Hoffnung)

The warm Bradford tones of Priestley reading from Delights, finished off with the effusively rumbunctious mirthfulness of the inimitable Gerard Hoffnung.
Originally broadcast on 16th November 2010

Voice On Record is produced and presented by Sean Williams. Each episode features a selection of recordings of the human voice which have been preserved on vinyl. Historic events stand alongside esoteric guides to better bowling. Arid studio recordings are juxtaposed with location recordings rich with fascinating incidental sounds.

Laydeez do podcasts: London Print Studio Comics Collective

Laydeez do podcasts: London Print Studio Comics Collective

In this month’s podcast we have a recording of two talks by the London Print Studio Comics Collective – Isabel Greenberg, Rachel Emily Taylor, William Goldsmith, Joe Kelly and Freya Harrisson – alongside mentor Karrie Franzman and LPS director John Philips. Karrie and her protégés talk about their work, visiting the Angoulême comics festival in France, the process of getting published and how the internship has improved their artistic practice.
(Introduced and edited by Alex Fitch, recorded by Nicola Streeten)

London Print Studio Comics Collective logo

London Print Studio Comics Collective logo

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: London Print Studio Comics Collective blog
London Print Studio website
Panel Borders interviews with Karrie Franzman and Isabel Greenberg

Info about Laydeez do comics
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Hooting Yard: H to O


Over the years I have watched various crew members of ships, from Rear Admirals to barnacle scrapers, perform all sorts of baffling physical manoeuvres, and not once have I thought any of it fitted the definition of jiggery-pokery, except on one occasion when I was aboard a very sinister ship which sailed into a clammy mist, in which all sorts of ugly shenanigans took place until, at the last, I was marooned, with several other paying passengers, upon a remote atoll, populated only by squelchy creeping things, and bereft of paper and pencils and writing desks and panels of adamantine hardness.


H Pt. 02








This episode was recorded on the 30th September 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the five publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants and Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories are available for purchase