Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Panel Borders: The Etherington Brothers’ Baggage

Panel Borders: The Etherington Brothers’ Baggage

Continuing new British Comics month on the show, Alex Fitch talks to Lorenzo and Robin Etherington about their new graphic novel Baggage and the strips they’re contributing to the forthcoming comic The Phoenix.
Lorenzo and Robin talk about their methods, contributing Monkey Nuts to The DFC and its graphic album library and their new projects Long Gone Don and The Dangerous Adventures of Von Doogan.

Images from Baggage, Monkey Nuts and The Phoenix by the Etherington Brothers

For more info and a variety of formats you can stream or listen to this podcast in, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: The Etherington Brothers’ blog
Review of Baggage on the Forbidden Planet International blog
The Phoenix comic blog

Alex’s interviews with other DFC creators: Jim Medway (Crab Lane Crew),
Kate Brown (The Spider Moon) / Dave Shelton (Good Dog, Bad Dog) / Ben Haggarty (MeZolith),
Sarah McIntyre (Vern and Lettuce),
John and Patrice Aggs (The Boss),
Philip Pullman (The Adventures of John Blake)

Recommended events:

Anders Nilsen UK tour

Candian cartoonist Anders Nilsen will be signing at:
Gosh! Comics, Berwick street at 6pm on Saturday 15th October, as part of a UK tour that sees him visit
Page 45, Nottingham on Sunday the 16th and
OK Comics, Leeds on Monday the 17th, he then gets a day off before coming back to London to do a Q and A at
Orbital comics on Wednesday 19th of October where he’ll be chatting to British cartoonist Tom Gauld.

More info: /
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Laydeez do podcasts: Manga Jiman 2011

Listen to a panel discussion recorded at the London Science Film Festival in April, Zarina Liew (Runner-up 2009/2010), Yuri Kore (Winner 2009/2010), Clio Millett (Winner 2010/2011) – of the Japanese Embassy’s ‘Manga Jiman’ (Pride in Manga) competition join Karen Rubins (Comic book artist in residence, Victoria and Albert Museum 2010) to discuss the homegrown manga scene in the UK and the difference between Manga and Western style comics.
(Recorded, edited and introduced by Alex Fitch)

Manga Jiman entries by Zarina Liew, Yuri Kore and Clio Millett

Manga Jiman entries by Zarina Liew, Yuri Kore and Clio Millett

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Zarina Liew’s website –
Beyond Raging Aves by Clio Millett
Yuri Kore’s website

Read the Laydeez do comics blog
Info about Laydeez do comics – Next meeting Oct 17th / Nov 21st

2010 interview with Zarina Liew, Yure Kore and Manga Jiman runner up David Lander
2009 interview with Karen Rubins
2008 interviews with Manga Jiman finalists Michael Kacar, Asia Alfasi and Gillian Sein Ying Ha

Recommended events:

Anders Nilsen UK tour

Candian cartoonist Anders Nilsen will be signing at:
Gosh! Comics, Berwick street at 6pm on Saturday 15th October, as part of a UK tour that sees him visit
Page 45, Nottingham on Sunday the 16th and
OK Comics, Leeds on Monday the 17th, he then gets a day off before coming back to London to do a Q and A at
Orbital comics on Wednesday 19th of October where he’ll be chatting to British cartoonist Tom Gauld.

More info: /
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Wavelength – Rodney Graham part 2

Rodney Graham Part Two: Vancouver-based artist Rodney Graham’s musical output; today’s tracks; Sinkin’ in the West from Never Tell a Pal a hard luck story (You’ll only get a hard luck story in return); Ball and Chain, and The Bed-Bug Part II, both from The Bed-Bug, Love Buzz and other songs in the popular idiom; More Music for the Love Scene, Zabriskie Point from the 10 inch vinyl LP Getting it Together in the Country; finally Electric Slim and the Factory Hen from the latest CD Why Look for Good Times?

Polish Deli 9 10 2011 European Culture Congress part 4

Last episode of Polish Deli dedicated to the European Culture COngress, which took place in Wroclaw in September 2011. This time we can listen to conversation with Krzysztof Topolskim, a.k.a. Arszyn, an audio artist presenting Vancuver Soundscape at Sound Cinema. Based on this interview a little audio experiment occurs next. Finally we can listen to extracts of ‘Symfonia II’ by Piotr Czerny and get updated with current Polish cultural events.

Language: Polish

Hooting Yard: Galvanic Batteries, Heads of Swans

If the bandage is white, as is common, and the swan is white, as is common, the casual observer may not even notice that the embedding has taken place. That may or may not be important, depending upon the legal regulations obtaining in the jurisdiction. Some authorities take a dim view of the embedding of galvanic batteries in the graceful heads of swans, though for the life of me I cannot think why that might be so. In any case, it is better to check the legal position beforehand.

This episode was recorded on the 3rd February 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Hello GoodBye Show 8 October 2011: Rude Mechanicals and One True Dog

The Hello GoodBye Show is thrilled to have the Rude Mechanicals and One True Dog visit the studio to perform live in session on Resonance FM this afternoon.

Rude Mechanicals are a Pan-dimensional Creature manifesting itself in your reality as an Absurd Rock/Jazz/Punk Band consisting of Miss Roberts and her symbiotic slaves.

One True Dog splash colourful and witty spoken word flourishes upon a Jazz-Punk sonic canvas. *** *** dexterbentley (at)

Track List:
Pissinboy – Pick Me Up
Rude Mechanicals – Aliens (LIVE SESSION)
Rude Mechanicals – Wednesday’s Child (LIVE SESSION)
Rude Mechanicals – Automatic Priest (LIVE SESSION)
Rude Mechanicals – Rotten Tango (LIVE SESSION)
Roshi – Girl From Boyerahmadi
Rude Mechanicals – ‘Interview’
Purling Hiss – Walking Down The Street
Dethscalator – Midnight Feast
The Rayographs – You Are Made Of Glass
Poino – Sex Pesto
One True Dog – It’s A Delay (LIVE SESSION)
One True Dog – It’s So Confusing (LIVE SESSION)
One True Dog – Railway (LIVE SESSION)
One True Dog – Imagine Waking Up (LIVE SESSION)
One True Dog – ‘Interview’ (LIVE SESSION)
Bomber Jackets – Strange Sensation

OST 01.10.2011 – George Harrison Special

Soundtracks, TV and library music (plus assorted tangents) with Jonny Trunk. To celebrate the launch of “Living In The Material World”, a brand new book featuring the personal archives of George Harrison, the OST Show is dedicating itself to the man, his film music and the soundtracks from the output of his Handmade Films Company, originally broadcast 1st October 2011. There was a competition too with a pretty cool prize, but you’ve obviously missed that because this is a podcast, and you can’t go back, no matter what those fellows in Switzerland might have you believe. Never mind, at least we still have the music, right? And what music it is! Hit that download button forthwith!

Panel Borders: Young Graphic Novelists

Panel Borders: Young Graphic Novelists

Continuing New British Comics month on Panel Borders in its new Sunday night slot, Alex Fitch talks to French graphic novelist Bastien Vives about the recent British reprint of his book Le gout du chlore: A taste of Chlorine and to small press creator Luke Pearson about his haunting novella, Everything we miss.

Excerpts from A taste of Chlorine by Bastien Vivès and Everything we miss by Luke Pearson

Excerpts from A taste of Chlorine by Bastien Vivès and Everything we miss by Luke Pearson

For more info and a variety of formats you can stream or listen to this podcast in, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: French Wikipedia page on Bastien Vivès
Info on A taste of Chlorine at
Luke Pearson’s website
Buy Everything we miss from Nobrow Press

Recommended events:

Anders Nilsen UK tour

Candian cartoonist Anders Nilsen will be signing at:
Gosh! Comics, Berwick street at 6pm on Saturday 15th October, as part of a UK tour that sees him visit
Page 45, Nottingham on Sunday the 16th and
OK Comics, Leeds on Monday the 17th, he then gets a day off before coming back to London to do a Q and A at
Orbital comics on Wednesday 19th of October where he’ll be chatting to British cartoonist Tom Gauld.

More info: /
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Technical Difficulties 2:24

This week we will be casting light on the fight to get everyone access to live music. Joining us is Gideon Feldman, from Attitude is Everything, who specialise in that very aim.

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Wavelength – Maurice Seddon, spillage and slippage

Telephone interview with Captain Maurice Seddon (Royal Signals, retired); hospital appointment, prostate problems, blended food, spillage of apple juice, days spent in bed, update on dog pack issue, pullover sleeves torn off and placed over shoes to prevent slippage on ice.