Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

OST 11/06/2011 – Michel Legrand Special

Soundtracks, library and television music curated by Jonny Trunk. In this archive edition from June 2011, Jonny feels moved to play the music of the veteran composer, arranger and general cool cat Michel Legrand. The reason for this venture, not that it particularly needs one, is that Jonny had been to see the great man give a thoroughly satisfactory performance at Ronnie Scott’s a few days previously, and felt compelled to prepare a tribute episode away from the distractions of courting couples and chickens in a basket…

Slightly shorter than your average OST due to the events at the Raven Row gallery, but no less perfectly formed!

Six Pillars – Women and Sex in Iran

Fari Bradley talks to Dr Pari Esfandiari PHD about her website Irandokht, one of the 34 websites showcased by UNESCO. The website creates dialogue and space for expression for Iranian women all over the world and is a resounding success.

Dr Esfandiari also co-wrote a 7 page article in Playboy Magazine in 2007 about an erotic tape that made millions on the blackmarket, highlighting what it tells us about attitudes to women and sex in Iran today.

I’m ready for my close-up: Simon Rumley on Red White and Blue

I’m ready for my close-up: Simon Rumley on Red White and Blue

Virginie Selavy talks to Simon Rumley, director of the excellent, unpredictable murder ballad Red White and Blue, which tells the complex, violent tale of an emotionally reluctant girl and an edgy loner. One of the best thrillers of 2010 and a great take on screwed up love and serial killers.

Still from Red, White and Blue

Still from Red, White and Blue

For more info and a variety of different formats you can download or stream, please visit the home of this podcast at

In association with

For more info about Electric Sheep podcasts and events, please visit

Reality Check: Fringe Event / The Pulse: Shaun Tan, Cyborg Ward

Reality Check: Fringe Event

In this edition, hosted by Chris Patmore, we really do take a reality check on two popular TV series that have just come out on DVD. For Fringe Season 3 we speak with Oxford University quantum physicist David Deutsch about the possible existence of parallel universes. For the release of The Event we speak with psychologist Dr Patrick Lehman about the fascination with conspiracy theories.

Promo images for Fringe and The Event

Promo images for Fringe and The Event

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Buy Fringe Season 3 and The Event

Also, the pilot episode of SCI-FI-LONDON’s new video magazine show The Pulse is now online…

Lian, Lyndsy Fonseca, Alex Fitch and Shaun Tan, Rob Spence in The Pulse

Lian, Lyndsy Fonseca, Alex Fitch and Shaun Tan, Rob Spence in The Pulse

Featured in the first episode are Chris’ interviews with Lyndsy Fonseca about John Carpenter’s The Ward and with bona fide cyborg Rob Spence who demonstrates his ‘camera eye’ plus Alex Fitch catches up with Oscar winning animator Shaun Tan who talks about his short film The Lost Thing and his collection of sketches, The Bird King.

For more info, please go to where you can also watch longer edits of the three interviews.

Listen to Alex’s previous interview with Shaun Tan

Hello GoodBye Show 1 October 2011: Zapoppin’

Business as usual this Saturday lunchtime here on Hello GoodBye, with a debut live performences on the show from Zapoppin’.

Zapoppin’ are the key proponent of the powerskiffle genre. Thomas G.J. Sharpe and Luke Richards on banjo, harmonium and drums straddling sinister pop, awkward croon and upbeat folk. They have entertained audiences from Penzance to Berlin, summoning great intensity from the most meagre of instruments.

The band have been noted for their ‘black humour and obtuse lyrical themes’ by Clash and in 2010 were said that they ‘could be the face of a new strain of folk once everyone has recovered from their Mumford measles’ by 247 Magazine.

Visit our website and our Twitter

Track list:
Sylvia Robinson – Sunday
Temperatures – Kakorr
Zapoppin’ – Calves (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – She’s His (From Heels To Lips) (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – Hoisted (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – Digital Ace (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – Pumpin’ Out The BTU’s (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – Pub Dog (LIVE SESSION)
The Bomber Jackets – Routemaster
The Sticks – Ee Yeah (HG Archive)
Baaneex – Here Comes The Count (HG Archive)
Josh Shaddock – True Faith
Purling Hiss – Passenger Queen
Zapoppin’ – The Lurch I Left You In (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – The Cheapest Laugh (LIVE SESSION)
Zapoppin’ – A Hymn For Eaton After The Apocalypse (LIVE SESSION)
Way Through – Salmon Patch
Rude Mechanicals – Rude Mechanicals
Zapoppin’ – ‘Interview’
Band Of Holy Joy – Between A Nightingale’s Song And Now
Date Palms – Psalm 3 (Intro)

Polish Deli – European Culture Congress raport

These episodes of Polish Deli are dedicated to quite an extraordinary event that took place in Wroclaw in September 2011.

With names such as Krzysztof Penderecki, Jonny Greenwood, Aphex Twin, Brian Eno etc. it was bound to be a success…

But apart from big names, there was a lot of interesting and almost underground stuff going on.

Kacper Ziemianin takes us for a journey to this event, with recordings, interviews and sound files from different events of the congress.

Focusing mainly on music and sound art side of the congress we can listen to Krzysztof Penderecki in concert with Jonny Greenwood and Aphex Twin, ‘Sound Cinema’  project and ‘Sound Education and Social Change’.

Big thanks to Institute of Polish Culture in London for organizing this trip!

To find out more about the congress go to:


Language English/Polish

Panel Borders: Kid Koala’s Kult Komics

Panel Borders: Kid Koala’s Kult Komics

Starting New British Comics month on Panel Borders in its new Sunday night slot, guest presenter Robin The Fog talks to Eric San, better known as Kid Koala, a world-renowned DJ, turntablist and cartoonist hailing from Montreal. Best known for a series of delightfully odd-ball albums released on the UK Ninja Tune label (often including a free comic book), 2011 has seen the publication of his second graphic novel Space Cadet, a labour of love years in the making, complete with bespoke soundtrack album. The Kid has also been travelling around presenting a series of ‘Music To Draw To’ events of late, where pens and paper are mandatory accessories and the audience sit around drawing to an ‘inspirational’ turntable set. Sketchbook in hand, Robin The Fog attended the recent London leg of his tour to talk etch-boards, robots and the Canadian work-ethic.

Cover of Space Cadet and flyer for Music to draw to by Kid Koala, drawing of Kid Koala at turntable by Andy Paterson

Cover of Space Cadet and flyer for Music to draw to by Kid Koala, drawing of Kid Koala at turntable by Andy Paterson

For more info and a variety of formats you can stream or listen to this podcast in, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Kid Koala‘s website
Robin The Fog’s website
Buy Kid Koala’s Space Cadet from UK publisher, Ninja Tune records
Info about Red Material gallery, who hosted the ‘Music to draw’ to event

Recommended events:

Info about the BD Passion comics festival at the Institute Francais, Kensington, taking place on 7th-9th October

Anders Nilsen signing tour

Gosh! Comics, No. 1 Berwick Street, London, Saturday 15th October
Page 45, Nottingham, Sunday the 16th October
OK Comics, Leeds, Monday 17th October
Continue reading

Technical Difficulties 2:23

Today we revisit the work of Drake Music, with Nick Wilsdon, and in particular how they help people make music. One such project currently is the One Handed Musical Instrument project, and we also have that project’s founder Stephen Hetherington on the show.

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Wavelength – Rodney Graham part 1

James Tregaskis performs an “announcement” accompanying himself on laptop followed by Part One of music and sound works by Vancouver based artist Rodney Graham: Feelin’ Alright from Getting it Together in the Country, Some Works with Sound Waves, Some Works with Light Waves and Some Other Experimental Works (2000). What is Happy Baby, and So-Called Friends from The Bed-Bug, Love Buzz and other short songs in the Popular Idiom (2000). She Failed to See the Point from Never Tell a Pal a Hard Luck Story (You’ll Only Get a Hard Luck Story in Return) (2002).

Laydeez do podcasts: Female Publishers and their work

Laydeez do podcasts: Female Publishers and their work

In two talks recorded in August and January 2011, we explore the work of female comic book publishers and their work in the medium. In a Q and A recorded at the Imperial War Museum, Alex Fitch talks to Eileen and Francesca Cassavetti, about Eileen’s wartime diary Philip and Helena which Francesca republished recently in comic book format plus in a talk recorded at Laydeez Do Comics, Corinne Pearlman discusses her work for the Jewish Quarterly, her publishing endeavours with Myriad Editions and her design and editorial work for Comic Company, which produces healthcare information in comic strip format.
(Recorded by Allan Morrow and Nicola Streeten, edited and introduced by Alex Fitch)

Excerpts from Philip and Helena by Eileen Cassavetti and Playing the Jewish Card by Corinne Pearlman

Excerpts from Philip and Helena by Eileen Cassavetti and Playing the Jewish Card by Corinne Pearlman

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: More info about Comics and Conflicts at the Imperial War Museum
Listen to the subsequent discussion by Francesca, Eileen and Alex with the creators of War: The Human Cost
Francesca’s website

Corinne’s website
Enjoy Healthcare info in strip format at
More info about Myriad Editions

Read the Laydeez do comics blog
Info about Laydeez do comics