Laydeez do podcasts: Female Publishers and their work

Laydeez do podcasts: Female Publishers and their work

In two talks recorded in August and January 2011, we explore the work of female comic book publishers and their work in the medium. In a Q and A recorded at the Imperial War Museum, Alex Fitch talks to Eileen and Francesca Cassavetti, about Eileen’s wartime diary Philip and Helena which Francesca republished recently in comic book format plus in a talk recorded at Laydeez Do Comics, Corinne Pearlman discusses her work for the Jewish Quarterly, her publishing endeavours with Myriad Editions and her design and editorial work for Comic Company, which produces healthcare information in comic strip format.
(Recorded by Allan Morrow and Nicola Streeten, edited and introduced by Alex Fitch)

Excerpts from Philip and Helena by Eileen Cassavetti and Playing the Jewish Card by Corinne Pearlman

Excerpts from Philip and Helena by Eileen Cassavetti and Playing the Jewish Card by Corinne Pearlman

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: More info about Comics and Conflicts at the Imperial War Museum
Listen to the subsequent discussion by Francesca, Eileen and Alex with the creators of War: The Human Cost
Francesca’s website

Corinne’s website
Enjoy Healthcare info in strip format at
More info about Myriad Editions

Read the Laydeez do comics blog
Info about Laydeez do comics