Laydeez do podcasts: Couch Fiction
Continuing our month of shows about women who create comic books, we’re happy to present another talk + Q and A recorded at the monthly event ‘Laydeez do comics’. Therapist Philippa Perry discusses her graphic novel “Couch Fiction: A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy”, which presents a fictionalised version of a series of sessions conducted between a Psychotherapist and a patient with additional footnotes that put the words and pictures into context that are useful to anyone with an interest in how the profession and such encounters work and evolve. Philippa talks about her collaboration with artist Junko Graat, her experiences of being a therapist and discusses the work with an audience of comic book fans and creators. (Edited and introduced by Alex Fitch)

Four pages from Couch Fiction by Philippa Perry and Junko Graat
For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at
Publisher’s page on Couch Fiction
Review by Alain de Botton
Interview with Philippa Perry in The Observer
Info about Laydeez do comics
Marcia Mihotich’s blog about Philippa Perry’s talk in May 2010
Recommended events:
Young Graphic Novel Workshop Festival, Islington
Childrens’ workshops:
Steve Marchant – Monday February 14, 4.30pm – 6, Ages 12 – 16, 10 places
South Library, 115 Essex Rd., N1 2SL 020 7527 7860
Gary Northfield – Thursday February 24, 10.30am – 12, Ages 8 – 11, 10 places
John Barnes Library, 275 Camden Rd., N7 0JN 020 7527 7900
+ Thursday February 24, 2.30pm – 4, Ages 8 – 11, 10 places
Finsbury Library, 245 St. John St., EC1V 4NB 020 7527 7960
Sally Kindberg – Saturday February 26 ,11am – 12, Ages 8 – 11, 10 places
North Library, Manor Gardens, N7 6JX 020 7527 7840
More info:
Glenn Baxter in Cork Street
Beloved British newspaper cartoonist Glenn Baxter has a new exhibition in London of his inimical one panel gags of whimsy and surrealism.
Flowers Central Gallery, 21 Cork Street London W1S 3LZ
8th Feb – March 2011
More info at: and
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