Category Archives: Shows

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Polish Deli 23 10 2011 Festiwal Mysli Muzycznej special

Festiwal My?li Muzycznej - flyer


Special edition of Polish Deli dedicated to Festiwal Mysli Muzycznej (Festival of Musical Thought), which is taking place on the 28th and 29th of October 2011 in Jelenia Gora.

‘Polish Deli’ and Resonance are media partners of the festival, which makes us very happy. This is the first edition of this promising festival.

We have a pleasure to talk to Pawel Krzaczkowski – curator of the festival and listen to extracts from compositions that will be played during the festival.

Music by Slawomir Kupczak – ‘Raport’ (for computer) and Magdalena Glocka – ‘Na krawedzi ksiezyca’.

Language: Polish

Panel Borders: New Small Press anthologies

Panel Borders: New Small Press anthologies

Continuing our month of shows about new British comics, Alex Fitch chats to the editors of two new Small Press anthologies which are launching next month. Mike Medaglia talks about Dot Comics, an anthology title he edits with Elliot Baggott which collects the best examples of online web comics onto the printed page, with the first issue including extracts from Tozo: The Public Servant, Josceline Fenton’s Hemlock and Philippa Rice’s My Cardboard Life. The author of the first of those strips is our second guest this week as David O’Connell talks about his new anthology project ink+PAPER, which will showcase new work by Barnaby Richards, Ellen Lindner, Lizz Lunney, Hugh “Shug” Raine, Cliodhna Lyons, Dan Berry, Joe Decie and many more.

Cover of dot Comics and interior page by Josceline Fenton, ink+PAPER and interior page by Barnaby Richards

Cover of dot Comics and interior page by Josceline Fenton, ink+PAPER and interior page by Barnaby Richards

For more info and a variety of formats you can stream or listen to this podcast in, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: dot Comics and Mike Medaglia facebook pages
Wet Ashes web comic by Mike Medaglia and Lisa Woynarski

ink+PAPER website
Tozo: The Public Servant web comic by David O’Connell
David’s blog

Electric Sheep Magazine illustration by Mike Medaglia and comic strip review by David O’Connell

Recommended events:

Mike and Laura Allred signing

At Orbital Comics on Great Newport Street in London, on Sunday 29th October, Mike and Laura Allred will be doing a signing of their work, including the pop art classics Madman and X-Statics

5pm, 29th October, Orbital Comics, 8 Great Newport Street

Nobrow anthology launch

On Thursday November 3rd at the impossibly fashionable bar Jaguar Shoes, 32 Kingsland Rd, Shoreditch, the pubishers of Luke Pearson’s books Nowbrow press will be launching their new anthology from 6.30pm.

More info:

Reality Check: Doctor Who in comics and Superman on TV

Reality Check: Doctor Who in comics and Superman on TV

Some half term entertainment as Alex Fitch talks to writer Tony Lee about Doctor Who’s continuing adventures in comic strips and to Superman expert Brad Ricca about the adventures of Clark Kent in Smallville and on the big screen. Also, Guardian cartoonist Martin Rowson introduces the Doctor Who comics exhibition at the Cartoon Museum, which continues until October 31st when Smallville Season 10 is released on DVD.

Cover of Smallville season 10 DVDs, Jimmy Olsen and Chloe Sullivan in Smallville and comics, Doctor Who: The Lodger comic and TV adaptation, Doctor Who Tesseract graphic novel by Tony Lee

Cover of Smallville season 10 DVDs, Jimmy Olsen and Chloe Sullivan in Smallville and comics, Doctor Who: The Lodger comic and TV adaptation, Doctor Who Tesseract graphic novel by Tony Lee

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Buy Smallville Season 10
and Smallville Complete Seasons 1-10 on DVD from
Buy Doctor Who graphic novels: The Forgotten, Fugitive, Tessaract, Final Sacrifice, The Ripper and When Worlds Collide by Tony Lee
Info about the Doctor Who comics exhibition at The Cartoon Museum
Interview with Brad Ricca at

Alex’s interviews with Martin Rowson about his graphic novels and other Doctor Who writers and illustrators

Continue reading

Wavelength – Tick Tock… Bong

This show features a ticking clock with occasional chimes. It could have been thirty minutes long but circumstances meant that the recording was interrupted after twenty minutes so the clock chimes eleven, then one, then twelve then six, with one or two odd glitches and a couple of murmuring voices towards the end. It was midnight in Syston, Leicestershire and the microphone was inside the clock which was awarded to Sandra’s grandfather; William Cross who won a stack of individual and team titles with the army and Castleford Harriers and was presented to King George V and Queen Mary in January 1920 after finishing sixth out of a field of 700 in the army cross-country championship. Sandra’s mother came into the room, noticed the microphone and just said “tick tock” before going back upstairs.

Hello GoodBye 15 October 2011: Purling Hiss, The Protagonists of David Gadsdon and Simon Stanley Ward

Live music in the studio today from Simon Stanley Ward and Protagonists of David Gadsdon, plus a live recording from Purling Hiss.

Simon Stanley Ward is a 24 year old English Country Music singer / songwriter from London, his newly released CD “Myself to Blame” is currently getting rave reviews on the UK’s thriving Americana grapevine.

Protagonists of David Gadsdon is a punchy, mock-bop recitative bunch. They play the spoken characters of David Gadsdon with drums, bass, sax, and detailed odds-and-ends. This is the first ever live performance of Doom Radio, releasing the babblistic world of Reginald Ffolkes, plus a bag of others.

Started as a solo project of the 4-track cassette recordings of Mike Polizze, Purling Hiss have quickly released a string of LPs and EPs on a series of labels, including Chicago’s Permanent Records. Polizze’s music is raw and unedited, the music is free of structure, Polizze values the idea over creating a polished product. Recruiting bassist Kiel Everett and drummer Mike Sneeringer, Purling Hiss is now a live force, and in today’s show we have a live recording of them from the last date on their European tour.

Track list:

Snails – She’d Like An Hour
Simon Stanley Ward – The 7 o’clock Alarm (LIVE SESSION)
Simon Stanley Ward – The Monster Song (LIVE SESSION)
Simon Stanley Ward – The Man Next To Me (LIVE SESSION)
Hank Williams – Move It On Over
Simon Stanley Ward – ‘Interview’
Purling Hiss / Mike Polizze – ‘Interview’
Purling Hiss – Live from the Lexington
Protagonists of David Gadsdon – Come On Baby Show Me Something (LIVE SESSION)
Protagonists of David Gadsdon – Doom Radio (LIVE SESSION)
Protagonists of David Gadsdon – Mister Nemo (LIVE SESSION)
Protagonists of David Gadsdon – My Private Anarchy (LIVE SESSION)
Band Of Holy Joy – Oh What A Thing This Heart Of Man
Trees And The Slipway – Crash Pad Sister
Protagonists of David Gadsdon – ‘Interview’

Live sound engineers: Kacper Zienianin & Leanne Bower, assisted by Joe Oldfield
Live sound at the Lexington: Serge Mas

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Polish Deli 16 10 2011

Music from AudioTong ( and it’s sister – MATHka label.

Polish cultural news and events in London and Poland. Interview with Piotr Sikora – curator of ‘They don’t know why, but they keep doing it’ exhibition.

Language: Polish

Hooting Yard: The Maintenance of Reservoirs.

The field in which the howler monkeys were recorded is, of course, a very different field from the squelchy, squelchy mud-strewn one in which the jamboree takes place when the Community Pole-Vaulting Collective and the Avant-Colliery Marching Band have crossed the bridge and successfully negotiated their way past the heavily-armed sentries. Drawn exclusively from the ranks of the most sociopathic cadets, the sentries have their own insignia and their own music, buzzed directly into their ears by transmitters which pick up signals from the netherworld.

This episode was recorded on the 17th February 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Six Pillars – Crossroads of the Ancient World










A personal tour of the British Museum’s major show in 2011 on Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World. This awesome and massively educative exhibition is brought to us thanks to the amazing bravery of a few men who took care of these objects in great secrecy and at great personal risk at the brink of two decades of civil war, strategic iconoclastic decimation and lawless looting.

Dr. St John Simpson is an archeologist and a curator at The British Museum and speaks here about the exhibition as a whole and Afghanistan’s place on the Silk Road where caravans from from Europe, China, India and Central Asia traveled back and forth. He guides us through the show and discusses details about several of the objects, of which his favourite is the fish-shaped drinking vessel pictured here.

This show was produced by Fari Bradley and originally broadcast May 2011.

Frieze 2011 Panel Discussion #1


The first in a short series of discussions and interviews examining the changing role of The Frieze Art fair as regards the London art scene. This show’s panel features Stuart Semple director at Aubin Gallery East London, Cynthia Corbett of Cynthia Corbett Gallery, West London, Chris Hammond director at MOT International gallery, East London and Brussels and Nathan Engelbrecht director at EB&Flo Gallery, East London. The show was hosted and produced by arts-broadcaster Fari Bradley.

Technical Difficulties 2:25

We all have Technical Difficulties, so how do we party? Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter .

We stepped into the IndigO2 in Greenwich as the multi-sensory party Sencity made its UK debut.

We spoke to aroma jockeys, sign singers and hula-hoopers and about dance, candy floss and a vibrating floor.

Thanks to everyone I spoke to, and who pointed the way. You’ll hear most of them on this recording.