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Hello GoodBye Show 19 November 2011: Horse Brothers and Trond K & the Serious Issues

Performing live in session under this autumnal noonday sun are the London based duo Horse Brothers and the Norwegian outlaw outfit Trond K & the Serious Issues.

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The Horse Brothers kick up a little dust as they stampede over the airwaves of the Capital with their thunderous tethering of Punk & Blues. A throbbing, pulsating, rhythmic morass of influences spring to mind, from Howlin’ Wolf via Golden Earring and all the way to the abstract rantings of Mark E. Smith. Vocalist & guitarist Daniel Stewart is aided and abetted in his quest by the gloriously familiar thud of ace sticks-man Dave Barbe (aka Dave Barbarossa, formerly the drummer with Adam & the Antz on the classic Dirk Wears White Sox LP, and of course the 1980s Burundi-pop pacesetters Bow Wow Wow)

Trond K is a sinner / songwriter based in Bergen, Norway. He has been involved in a number of sideprojects, including MiNdFiSh, Bones Sweet Bones, Onkel Nevø, Happy Åndalsnes and more recently Adolf Ibsen. He is currently performing frequently in his home town of Ålesund, and in Bergen. Widely influenced by the 70’s outlaw country scene, the English pubrock scene and the post-punk new romantics his songwriting and performances spans from the most intense and soulful acoustic numbers to the half-novelty loud and confronting rock/cabaret-songs.

Track list:

Temperatures – Kakkuk
Horse Brothers – Good Umbridge (LIVE session)
Horse Brothers – In the Ground (LIVE session)
Horse Brothers – Gun in the Home (LIVE session)
Fighting Kites – Cat is Egg (HG archive)
Horse Brothers – ‘Interview’
Peepholes – Caligula
Jess Bryant – Cutting
Roshi – The Girl From Boyerahmadi
Serafina – Cheap Demos, Bad Science (HG archive)
Skinjobs – Howdy Do (HG archive)
Alexander Tucker – His Arm has Grown Long
No Cars – Sellotape (HG archive)
Trond K and the Serious Issues – Mr Cigarette (LIVE session)
Trond K and the Serious Issues – Night (LIVE session)
Trond K and the Serious Issues – Death (LIVE session)
Jad Fair – All the Angels Said to Her
Trond K and the Serious Issues – ‘Interview’

Live sound engineers: Leanne Bower & Joe Oldfield

Art Monthly November 2011









The Made v The Readymade

Mark Prince on the resistance of objects

In the story of recent sculpture, making has given way to assemblages and installations of known objects that carry narrative overtones – but there are artists who resist this trajectory. If the readymade reduces the object to a transferrable set of signs, how have artists such as Phyllida Barlow, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon and, more recently, Nairy Baghramian, Michael Dean and Alexander Heim short-circuited this current?

‘If art is expected to function as a vehicle for a set of branded narratives that should be as summarisable as possible from a digital remove, “eliminating recognisable things” might be a form of resistance.’

The programme is hosted by Matt Hale who has worked at Art Monthly since 1991.

Previous episodes are available on Art Monthly’s website

Art Monthly magazine offers an informed and comprehensive guide to the latest developments in contemporary art.

Fiercely independent, Art Monthly’s news and opinion sections provide regular information and polemics on the

international art scene. It also offers In-depth interviews and features; reviews of exhibitions, performances, films and books; art law; auction reports and exhibition listings

Art Monthly magazine is indispensable reading!

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Reality Check: Worlds of Wonder at the British Library

Reality Check: Worlds of Wonder at the British Library

In a panel discussion entitled “Worlds of Wonder?”, recorded at the British Library as part of their events season to support the exhibition ‘Out of this World’, authors Neil Gaiman and Peter F. Hamilton, scientist Rachel Armstrong and critics Kari Sperring and Farah Mendlesohn (chair) discuss the current state of science fiction around the world and its relationship with the latest advances in science fact.

 Farah Mendlesohn, Neil Gaiman, Rachel Armstrong, Peter F. Hamilton, and Kari Sperring at The British Library. Photo by Marjorie Taylor

Farah Mendlesohn, Neil Gaiman, Rachel Armstrong, Peter F. Hamilton, and Kari Sperring at The British Library. Photo by Marjorie Taylor

Listen to an additional 15 mins of Neil talking about SF around the world during the panel + a new interview about his work with Alex Fitch

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Original listing for the event on The British Library website
Write up of the event on the Margo’s Musings blog

Panel Borders: Neil Gaiman – Worlds of Wonder

Panel Borders: Neil Gaiman – Worlds of Wonder

Continuing our month of shows about genre, it’s a science fiction double feature as Alex Fitch chats to author Neil Gaiman about examples of SF in his work such as Doctor Who, American Gods, Babylon 5 and Sandman: Endless Nights. Plus, in an extract from a talk at the British Library, Neil discusses his experiences of the genre around the world from China to Tasmania.

Images from Sandman: Endless Nights by Neil Gaiman and Miguelanxo Prado

Images from Sandman: Endless Nights by Neil Gaiman and Miguelanxo Prado

For more info and a variety of formats you can stream or listen to this podcast in, please visit the home of this episode at

Listen to the the 75 min panel discussion with Neil Gaiman, Peter F. Hamilton, Rachel Armstrong, Kari Sperring and (chair) Farah Mendlesohn

Links: Original listing for the event on The British Library website
Write up of the event on the Margo’s Musings blog
Neil Gaiman’s journal
Art by Miguelanxo Prado

Recommended events:

Laydeez do comics – Internation Comica special

The monthly meeting Laydeez Do Comics links up again with Comica Festival to present special guests from Canada, the USA and Germany. Sarah Leavitt launches Tangles, her graphic memoir of her mother’s Alzheimer’s disease, published by Jonathan Cape. MK Czerwiec, aka ‘Comic Nurse’, presents her unique medical comics and cartoons from a nurse’s perspective. German guests Mawil and Uli Oesterle discuss their careers and latest albums translated into English courtesy of Blank Slate.

Tickets: £1.50
Where: The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage St, London E1 5LJ
When: Monday, November 21, 2011 – 6.30pm to 9.30pm
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Technical Difficulties 2:28

Tim Abbott talks to Peter Tan, a disability rights advocate in Malaysia about his experiences of becoming and being disabled, and ‘islands of accessibility’ in a sea of life.

Peter can be reached at

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Wavelength – FIRE!

FIRE! from Good Morning Vietnam, recorded in Vietnam by Claude Johner (Folkways 1972); Bang Bang by Vanilla Fudge (1967); Pistol Poem by Brion Gysin from lunapark 0.10; Shoot Out by Playgroup, Epic Sound Battles (On-U 1983); Machine Gun Fighting by David Jackman (Die Stadt DS29); Ultra Q from Ground-Zero plays Standards and another track from Good Morning Vietnam: The Abstract Universe of War.

Hello GoodBye Show 12 November 2011: Patrik FitzGerald, Date Palms, The Honeycombs

As usual we have an exciting show planned this weekend; with live music on offer from the Joe Meek produced, 60s chart-toppers The Honeycombs, plus the original Punk poet Patrik Fitzgerald and as if that wasn’t already mouthwatering enough, we also have a pre-recorded interview and live concert recording from the West Coast psychedelic duo Date Palms.

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The Honeycombs’ 1964 debut single Have I The Right? was one of just three singles to be produced by Joe Meek in his flat-cum-studio on Holloway Road which hit the UK number 1 spot (the others being John Layton’s Johnny Remember me and Telstar by the Tornados). Today on the show, a new line-up put together by founding member, guitarist Martin Murray, will play live in session. Expect reminiscences of Joe and his legendary studio by the first Hello GoodBye Show guests to be genuine chart-toppers.

Acoustic punk troubadour fondly remembered for songs such as “Safety Pin Stuck In My Heart” and “Backstreet Boys”, independent releases which led to a short-lived deal with Polydor in 1979. His early records were short, sharp and sarcastic slices of life bashed out on a battered guitar and for an artist who never sold huge numbers of records, the extent of Patrik’s influence is remarkable – recent years have seen the completion of both a feature-length documentary film and a tribute album. He also has a new album in the pipeline entitled Subliminal Alienation to be released next year.

Based in California, Date Palms is a project of classically educated avant-garde musicians Gregg Kowalski and Marielle Jakobsons. Their latest LP Honey Devash on Mexican Summer records, is comprised of two, side long compositions, which take influences from classical Indian music, psychedelia, spaced out jazz, Krautrock and their California home. The lush, ambient soundscapes are fashioned from a wide array wires and boxes, which recalls the method of those founding fathers of electro the Silver Apples. Today we broadcast a recording from their concert this week at Cafe Oto.

Track list:

Sergeant Buzfuz – God To Holloway
Patrik Fitzgerald – Company Bus (LIVE SESSION)
Patrik Fitzgerald – Dance Music, Late Nights (LIVE SESSION)
Patrik Fitzgerald – Gifts & Telegrams (LIVE SESSION)
Patrik Fitzgerald – Pop Star, Pop Star (LIVE SESSION)
Patrik Fitzgerald – Inside Me There Is Nothing (LIVE SESSION)
Attila The Stockbroker – Looters
Patrik Fitzgerald – ‘Interview’
Date Palms – ‘Interview’
Date Palms – Of Psalms (LIVE from Cafe Oto, 10.11.11)
Date Palms – Honey Dune (LIVE from Cafe Oto, 10.11.11)
The Honeycombs – Walk In The Room (LIVE SESSION)
The Honeycombs – Solid Gold (LIVE SESSION)
The Honeycombs – This Too Shall Pass Away (LIVE SESSION)
The Honeycombs – Have I The Right? (LIVE SESSION)
Joe Meek – Telstar 1st Stage Demo
The Honeycombs – ‘Interview’

Engineers: Leanne Bower, Kacper Zienianin & Joe Oldfield
Live sound at Cafe Oto: Antoine Bertin, thanks to Tom Relleen and Cafe Oto.

OST 02.11.2011 – X-Ray Eyes Special

This weekly programme is dedicated to film music, TV music, library music and related recordings, and is hosted by Jonny Trunk. Each week The OST Show welcomes a guest (a collector, composer, director, artist) or specialises in a specific film music genre or composer. Today Jonny is proud to be able to play the first ever full recording of Les Baxter’s score to The Man With X Ray Eyes. A mixture of exotics, oddness and bizarre instrumentation, this superb sci fi horror score for Corman’s 1963 classic (also known simply as “X”) is well worth the 48 year wait. He also has an unreleased Schifrin score but you’ll have to tune in to hear all about it!

Hooting Yard: Deckhand With Mop

But what of Chamfer Ticktape himself? How did he paint, in swathes of brightly-coloured emulsion, the hideous countenance of the deckhand, without himself succumbing to gibbering, and to insanity? For years, the noted Royal Academician has refused to speak of his painting, referring all enquiries to his PR toady, a master of obfuscatory fol-de-rol. At various times, this slippery fellow has hinted either that the artist was blindfolded as he painted, or that his brain was protected by a mysterious carapace, or that he prepared a “painting-by-numbers” grid and directed the execution from behind a screen, his assistants then being carted off one by one to the very same grim bleak windswept granite asylum, perched on the hillside, where they are kept in a separate wing, also locked, in which they gibber insanely while sucking on wafers. Not one of these tales is likely to be true. Some say the deckhand is a self-portrait of the painter, but how could that be? Chamfer Ticktape is a man-about-town, sweeping in and out of fashionable restaurants and nightspots, in cape and muffler, pursued by paparazzi, and he does not leave in his wake a trail of the gibbering and insane.

This episode was recorded on the 17th March 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By CormorantsInpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Polish Deli 6 11 2011

This week at the best Polish Deli in London we get a delicious mixture of Polish new folk, jazz, and experimental music by artists involved in Lifem Festival in London (Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa), Audio Art Festival in Krakow (Zenial) and Festival of Jazz and Experimental music from Poland taking place in London (Oles Duo, Piotr Kurek).

Language: English