Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Panel Borders: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Panel Borders: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Continuing Panel Borders’ month of shows about anthropomorphic comics, Alex Fitch talks to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman, Rich Magallanes (Senior Vice President, Nickelodeon animation) and British comic book writer David Baillie about the ever popular franchise. Alex discusses the history of the comics and cartoons with Kevin and Rich as well as the latest versions of the characters appearing in IDW’s comic books and Nickolodeon’s new series which starts on October 1st. Alex and David talk about his experience in writing TMNT strips for the Eastern European market, short comics that look at the point of view of both the Turtles and the villains from the series.

Covers of IDW TMNT comics / Covers of Russian TMNT comics / Still from new Nickelodeon animated series

Covers of IDW TMNT comics / Covers of Russian TMNT comics / Still from new Nickelodeon animated series

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Wikipedia page on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Nickelodeon page on the new Turtles cartoon
Information on IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics
Listen to Alex’s previous month of shows on anthropomorphic comics Continue reading

Wavelength – Maurice Seddon on cassette

Conversing with Captain Maurice Seddon, Royal Signals (retired) by telephone. Maurice is now 84. I played some cassette tape recordings he had made in the 1980s, all telephone conversations which Maurice would habitually record, perhaps since the 1960s but his memory is not what it was. One such conversation was with Fritz Fend, designer of the Fend Flitzer which developed into the Messerschmitt bubble car. I mentioned theremins to Maurice and he thought I said thermin which reminded him that he had recently bought a thermal hat which he now can’t find. The final track is Kaddish (Ravel) played on the theremin by Clara Rockmore with piano accompaniment by Nadia Reisenberg

Art Monthly Talk Show on Resonance104.4 FM, 10th August 2012


Writers and curators Nick Warner and Chris Fite-Wassilak discuss London and Norwich events and shows. A Crate, Margate Symposium at Showroom, London, solo exhibitions by Gina Saccone at Supplement, London, Gareth Jones at Raven Row, Patrick Keiller at Tate Britain and an exhibition of two net based artists Joel Holmberg & Jon Rafman coming out into the “real” world of the gallery at the artist run OUTPOST gallery, Norwich.

The programme is hosted by Matt Hale who has worked at Art Monthly since 1991.


Previous episodes are available on Art Monthly’s website


Art Monthly magazine offers an informed and comprehensive guide to the latest developments in contemporary art.


Fiercely independent, Art Monthly’s news and opinion sections provide regular information and polemics on the


international art scene. It also offers In-depth interviews and features; reviews of exhibitions, performances, films and books; art law; auction reports and exhibition listings


Art Monthly magazine is indispensable reading!


Special magazine subscription offer for Resonance 104.4 listeners.Subscribe now and save 40% on the cover price at

Panel Borders: Big Questions

Panel Borders: Big Questions

Starting a month of shows about anthropomorphic comics on Panel Borders – comics about animals with human attributes – Alex Fitch talks to American cartoonist Anders Nilsen about his epic 658 page graphic novel Big Questions. The book, originally serialised as 15 comics, first self-published by Nilsen and then continued by Drawn and Quarterly, tells the tale of the pilot of a crashed bomber and his relationship with a colony of birds and local wildlife in the countryside where his plane went down. The artist also discusses his award winning graphic novella Dogs and water and why he is often drawn to animals as the subject matter of his comics books.

Excerpts from Big Questions by Anders Nilsen

Excerpts from Big Questions by Anders Nilsen

Originally broadcast 05/08/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Wikipedia page on Anders Nilsen
New York Times reviews of Big Questions
Anders’ website and blog
Listen to Alex’s previous month of shows on anthropomorphic comics
Continue reading

Wavelength – Salvador Dali flexidisc

A disparate selection of 45rpm vinyl singles: 1. a flexidisc by Salvador Dali: L’Apotheose du Dollar. 2. Michael Prime: Skeet Hill, pipistrelle bats recorded feeding in Hollow Lane, Skeet Hill, Chelsfield. 3. Toshiyuki Kobayashi: Radio Gagaku. 4. Charles Aznavour: Yerushalaim. 5. The Hitmachine: IE OE AA. 6. Nokia Connecting People: mainpal inv. 7. Baby Jane Holzer: Nowhere. 8. Rude Ass Tinker: white label. 9. The White Stripes: Baby Brother. 10. Volcano the Bear: supplement to some copies of the LP Yak Folks Y’are.

Reality Check: Trek Nation

Reality Check: Trek Nation

Alex Fitch and Dr. Marek Kukula (Public Astronomer, Royal Greenwich Observatory) conduct a Q and A with Eugene ‘Rod’ Roddenberry after a screening of his film Trek Nation, which looks at the legacy of Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek. Recorded in front of an audience at SCI-FI-LONDON, Spring 2012.

Trek Nation poster featuring Eugene Rod Roddenberry

Trek Nation poster featuring Eugene ‘Rod’ Roddenberry

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Official Roddenberry and Trek Nation websites
More info on the short film White Room and interview with the director, Greg Aronowitz
More info on SCI-FI-LONDON
Listen to interviews with Star Trek actors George Takei and Brent Spiner
Continue reading

Art Monthly Talk Show July 13th, 2012









Maria Walsh discusses her reviews of Jo Spence at SPACE and Studio Voltaire, London and Emily Roysdon’s on line performance from Tate Modern  with Cherry Smythe who discusses her reviews of Nancy Holt at Haunch of Venison, London and Mikhail Karikis: SeaWomen an immersive film installation at Wapping Project.

Art Monthly Talk Show on Resonance104.4 FM, 8th June 2012

The programme is hosted by Matt Hale who has worked at Art Monthly since 1991.

Previous episodes are available on Art Monthly’s website

Art Monthly magazine offers an informed and comprehensive guide to the latest developments in contemporary art.

Fiercely independent, Art Monthly’s news and opinion sections provide regular information and polemics on the

international art scene. It also offers In-depth interviews and features; reviews of exhibitions, performances, films and books; art law; auction reports and exhibition listings

Art Monthly magazine is indispensable reading!

Special magazine subscription offer for Resonance 104.4 listeners.Subscribe now and save 40% on the cover price at

Electric Sheep Podcast: Unreliable images

Electric Sheep Podcast: Unreliable images

In a pair of Q and As recorded at SCI-FI-LONDON, the London International Science-Fiction and Fantastic Film Festival, Alex Fitch talks to director John Simon about his adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s Radio Free Albemuth and to director Berton Pierce and special effects expert Greg Aronowitz about the film Sense of Scale, a documentary on model making in the cinema.

Stills from Sense of Scale and Radio Free Albemuth

Stills from Sense of Scale and Radio Free Albemuth

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Radio Free Albemuth website
Listen to Alex’s previous interview with John Simon
Watch the trailer for Sense of scale on
More info about Greg Aronowitz work at Continue reading

Panel Borders: Resident Aliens – Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse

Panel Borders: Resident Aliens – Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse

In the last of our series of shows about comic book creators who collaborate together, Alex Fitch talks to Steve Parkhouse and Peter Hogan about their new comic, Resident Alien, initially serialised in Dark Horse Presents and now continuing as a comic book miniseries. The comic tells the story of an alien who has crash-landed in rural American and found a job as a small town doctor, now turned detective when a body is found in mysterious circumstances. Alex talks to Peter and Steve about working together, producing comics for both the UK and US markets and their previous experiences on revered British anthology titles Crisis and Doctor Who Monthly. (Recorded in front of an audience at Kapow!, London, Spring 2012)

Interior and cover of Resident Alien by Steve Parkhouse + Peter Hogan / Cover of The Bojeffries Saga by Alan Moore and Steve Parkhouse / Cover of Revolver, edited by Peter Hogan

Interior and cover of Resident Alien by Steve Parkhouse + Peter Hogan / Cover of The Bojeffries Saga by Alan Moore and Steve Parkhouse / Cover of Revolver, edited by Peter Hogan

Originally broadcast 29/07/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Wikipedia pages on Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse
Preview of Resident Alien #0 at
Interview with Peter Hogan and article on Steve Parkhouse’s work in Warrior comic on the Forbidden Planet International blog Continue reading

Hooting Yard: Obsequies For Lars Talc, Struck By Lightning Pt. IV

Obsequies For Lars Talc, Struck By Lightning was published in an edition of twenty-five copies in 1994, under the Hooting Yard Press imprint and – save for a brief, rewritten, extract posted  here some years ago – has never again seen the light of day. It was the last piece of prose I completed before my descent into the maelstrom, or the Wilderness Years, or whatever one wants to call that period of ruination from which I eventually emerged with the launch of the Hooting Yard website in 2003.

F. Key.

Obsequies For Lars Talc, Struck By Lightning Pt. IV

This episode was recorded on the 08th September 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants , Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase