Marvin Suicide: 113 – I mowed my lawn on Wednesday.

I went to school this week. This is what I learned:

music + (internet + download + free) = good

Please see below for this weeks tracklisting with links to where all the songs were found:

1. Set You Free by The Black Keys, Thickfreakness:

2. Empty by D.A.F., Artificial Fibres:

3. Rat Water by Catgut, Nursery Rhymes EP:
This weeks Catgut submission was sent in by goibhniu.

4. Central Dubbing (Version) by Disrupt, Central Dubbing Unit 7inch:

5. Love Me, Hold Me, Save Me by Strange Fruit Orchestra:

6. Need Your Song by The Instant, Philippe Aries Single:

7. I Wanna Die by Jolie Holland, Catalpa:

Resonance needs your support. Please help raise some desperately needed funds and donate. “You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone…”

This episode was broadcast on the 22nd March 2007. Please visit for previous shows and more information. Plus I would love it if you were to send an e-mail to: marvin’AT’ (please replace ‘AT’ with @).