Marvin Suicide : 186 – My feet are like stabilisers.

Thinking about it, my feet are stabilisers so the above title is both stating the obvious and technically incorrect.

The previous episode of marvin suicide had quite a bit of time spent in putting it together but didn’t seem to work very well, whereas this episode had no time lavished on it and I think has turned out rather splendid.

Here is the tracklisting (are you excited?):

1. Dripped by Chromatic Flights, Memories From The Audible Color Wheel:

2. Onsubductinganisland by Erstlaub, Dark Archipelagos:

3. Hunter-Gatherer by Tonearm, Last Dots Of A Certain Sound:

4. Mama Say Mama Do by Coldicus, Backup:

5. Emaze by BitBasic, Grating Rainbows:

This episode was originally broadcast on 17th March 2009. Please visit for previous shows and more information. Plus I would love it (and I really do mean that) if you were to send an e-mail to: marvin’AT’ (please replace ‘AT’ with @).