Panel Borders: The art of David Lloyd (Being Dave… part 2)

Panel Borders: The art of David Lloyd
Orignally broadcast 10/07/08 as part of Strip! on Resonance 104.4 FM

Click here to watch videoIn the second of two podcasts about artists called Dave who worked with writer Alan Moore, Alex Fitch talks to artist David Lloyd about his career, about working with Alan on V for Vendetta and about the challenges of illustrating graphic novels such as The Horrorist and Kickback.

For more info, please visit the home of this episode at
This episode is also available as a video podcast

Links: Wikipedia pages on David and V for Vendetta
David’s website –
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To quote one of the stars, Oliver Lambden: “Alex Thomson, Jack Tomkins and Jon Hull recently completed their final piece for their film degrees at Manchester Uni and they decided to make a short documentay all about Modern Monstrosity and The Camden Comics Stall. Give it a watch, it’s bloody awesome, the soundtrack’s amazing, it’s only ten minutes long and it’s viewable here…”