Tag Archives: panel

Six Pillars to Persia – New Directions

How has the advent of the digital age affected the artistic processes of both production and distribution? On how many levels does the advent of ‘the black mirror’ (aka the screen) and the age of information affect us all?
Discussion panel with sound artist/broadcaster Fari Bradley, artist/writer Sophia Al Maria and Stephen Beddoe University of the Arts. The discussion was organised by Caspian Arts Foundation and was originally intended to have been chaired by them, however at the last moment Fari had to step in to take the discussion on its course. Topics covered were the physical, psychological and social impact of the age of the internet on art and artists. Eavesdropper /Falgoosh Radio was created by sound artists Chris Weaver and Fari Bradley, as one of the Art Dubai Projects 2013, sponsored by the British Council.

Frieze 2011 Clear Spot #2

Bik Van der Pol‘s Frieze Project, a ‘live’ literary scoreboard












A panel discussion with Gasworks Director Alessio Antoniolli , Camden Arts Centre Exhibitions Programmer Anne-Marie Watson, Director of The Museum of Everything Jeremy Brett and Alex Deyzac, Gallery Assistant at Mica Gallery. Chaired by Fari Bradley the discussion points range from the physical space of the Frieze to the misconceptions that have naturally grown up around the Frieze itself. Originally broadcast in October 2011 from Resonance104.4FM studios in London.

Thanks to Sabine Schereck for the vox pops.