Tag Archives: Neyssatou

Six Pillars to Persia: Don’t Throw Your Love to Babylon

This week we’ve tickets to give away to From Babylon to London at Jackson’s Lane Theatre, Feb 16th 2014, plus we earmark several ResonanceFM fundraisers events going on around Valentine’s day.

This show includes our monthly guest slot from I Ran Into Iran USA. Artists Katayoun Vaziri and Brian Zegeer conduct the second part of an interview with Dr. Nayereh Tohidi, Professor and former Chair of the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies at California State University. We heard the first part of the interview last month, and now Dr. Tohidi speaks on influence of Western and Middle Eastern Feminist movements on the women’s rights movement in Iran from the early-20th Century to the present day. Plus music from the Samani Brothers who perform in the extravagantly named From Babylon to London for which we’re giving away tickets!
We also hear a track by singer Neyssatou (Badiaa Bouhrizi) from Tunis, Tunisia.
More info on our show and events on www.sixpillars.org