Marvin Suicide : 147 – Death by teacup.

I was waiting to pay for some petrol at the local service station when for no reason became tense with the anticipation that something exciting and unexpected was going to happen.

Nothing exciting or unexpected happened but it was the highlight of my week. So the moment wasn’t completely wasted.

Here is the tracklisting for this weeks episode or downloaded musicals:

1. Shot In The Guts by Catgut, Scarlet Pantaloons:

2. VI by Sedarka, Shibashi Todomen:

3. The Turn (A Pagan Lament) by Fredo, Papergoose Isn’t Real Compilation:

4. IKMBN (Edited Version) by Sentimental Cat, I Know Myself Better Now:

5. Adjusting The Light by Herzog, Best Of NTTS 2007 Compilation:

6. Underground by Kimya Dawson:

Please visit for previous shows and more information. Plus I would love it if you were to send an e-mail to: marvin’AT’ (please replace ‘AT’ with @).