Alex Fitch talks to former presenter of Midnight Sex Talk – Tania Glyde – about the increasing pornification of visual media, from advertising to art, film to fromage. As both the ICA & Barbican in London have sex based festivals on this month, it seems porn is being increasingly celebrated in our culture, so Alex and Tania look at some of the reasons why.
Originally broadcast 11/10/07 on Resonance 104.4FM
For more info and a selection of different file formats you can download or stream, please visit the home of this episode at
Links: Info about Cleaning up, Tania’s new book
Article on sex by Tania in The Independant
Buy books by Ms. Glyde from
Please note: some of the following links contain images and words that might upset the prudish!… (ask guidance from your parents / therapist etc. before visiting)
Download episodes of Midnight sex talk from this here site including shows about:
Sex in the movies, the fascination with Psychos and Censorship, which feature Alex (!)
Info about The Barbican‘s sex exhibtion, – Seduced – and last week’s Swedish Erotica season at the ICA
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