Reality Check: Autumn Sci-Fi – Source Code and Witch Mountain
As the Autumn nights start to draw in, we have a couple of recommendations of DVDs worth staying in for, as Alex Fitch interviews a pair of directors who have both earned cult followings for their work in the SF genre. Duncan Jones talks about his new film Source Code, a time travel thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal and about how themes in his new movie consciously and unconsciously reflect some of his concerns of humanity dislocated by technology in his debut Moon. Alex also chats, alongside SCI-FI-LONDON’s newest interviewer Lily Savy-Gorman, to John Hough, director of the classic Disney film Escape to Witch Mountain (1975), starring Ray Milland and Donald Pleasance. Hough followed his first family film with a couple more for Disney – Return from Witch Mountain and The Watcher in the Woods – and talks about how the company’s approach to live-action filmmaking has changed over the years.
For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at
Links: Read a transcript of Alex’s interview with Duncan Jones
Info about the Escape to Witch Mountain screening at SCI-FI-LONDON
Recommended events:
New Science Fiction Reading Group
In discussion: Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon (we have some copies for loan).
1st meeting on Wednesday 21st September @ 7pm
Streatham Library
63 Streatham High Road
London SW16 1PL
For more info contact 020 7926 6768 and ask for Pat / e-mail: