Reality Check: Of ships and men
In a pair of Q and As recorded at Sci-Fi London 10 (April 2011), Alex Fitch talks to the directors of two very different SF movies about the pilots of spaceships and their relationships with the craft and crew. Nydenion, directed by Jack Moik is a new German ‘Space Opera’ that borrows from the aesthetics of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica to create a crowd pleasing saga of ships and men in interstellar battle; and Atlantis Down, directed by Max Bartoli is a Twilight Zone influenced SF / Horror film about the crew of a space shuttle who on encountering a mysterious orbital event, find themselves on a planet full of death traps and and uncanny encounters. Alex talks to Jack and Max about their two films and the different ways they have re-imagined classic Science Fiction tropes in the 21st Century.
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Links: Official film websites – /
Info about SCI-FI-LONDON 10 screenings of Nydenion and Atlantis Down
NASA website about the actual Space Shuttle Atlantis