Panel Borders: Interactive comics

Panel Borders: Interactive comics

Starting a month of shows about the cross-over between comic books and video games, Alex Fitch talks to web comics creator Daniel Merlin Goodbrey about the latest examples of his experiments in interactive ‘hyper-comics’: including Jack’s Abstraction available on Android devices, and the forthcoming A Duck, which allow comic strip readers to follow differing narrative paths in various directions on the virtual page. Alex and Daniel also talk about other recent examples of the intersection between games and comics including Batman: Arkham Asylum and inFAMOUS 2: THE FAME STRiPS which he designed the flash interface for.

Extract from the interactive comic Jacks Abstraction by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey

Extract from the interactive comic Jacks Abstraction by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Download Jack’s Abstraction from the Android store

Daniel Merlin Goodbrey’s website:
Read inFAMOUS 2: THE FAME STRiPS online
Listen to previous interviews with Daniel Merlin Goodbrey