Marvin Suicide : 127 – Hello its me, Kraken

Once again another splendid episode of freely downloaded musical goodness for you to enjoy. That is all I feel worth mentioning.

Here is the tracklisting for all ya’ll:

1. The Standard Chant Part 2 by Jonathan Borofsky:

2. Nr.1 by Sel & 12bitPhil, Sel Meets 12bitPhil EP:

3. Push The Dancing Datas by Nightnoise, 10 Ways To North LP:

4. Interlude Of The Acceptable And Unacceptable Suspensions by Mike Richard, Affections, Affects 1-4:

5. Captain Badass by Songs: Ohia, Axxess & Ace:

Resonance needs your support. Please help raise some desperately needed funds and donate. “You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone…”

This episode was originally broadcast on the 28th June 2007. Please visit for previous shows and more information. Plus I would love it if you were to send an e-mail to: marvin’AT’ (please replace ‘AT’ with @).