Laydeez do podcasts: Bristol Cartoonists
In this month’s podcast we have a recording of two cartoonists from Bristol whose work is informed by their medical conditions. Andrew Godfrey talks about his strips The Clichéd Artist and The Selfish Gene which detail his life with Cystic Fibrosis and Katie Green talks about her forthcoming book Lighter than my shadow: A graphic Memoir about battling anorexia, to be published by Jonathan Cape.
(Introduced and recorded by Nicola Streeten, edited by Alex Fitch)

Self portraits by Andrew Godfrey - sketch at Laydeez do Comics - and Katie Green - cover of Lighter than my shadow
For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at
Links: Andrew Godfrey’s blog
Katie Green’s website
Panel Borders’ month of shows on Medical Comics
Read Mike Medaglia’s blog entry about Andrew and Katie’s appearance at Laydeez do Comics
Info about Laydeez do comics