I can quite honestly say I have absolutely no recollection of this episode whatsoever. At a guess its got some music in it and the ramblings of an old fool.
Here is the tracklisting though (luckily I can remember it like it were yesterday):
1. Ent-mix by 386 DX:
2. Del Puta Madre by Synapse:
3. Kisses (.v3 Edit) by Frivolous vs. DJG, Slinky/XXX EP:
4. Reaping Bitter Revenge Over And Over Again In Your Head by Catgut:
5. Little Bear Song by Georgia & August Greenberg, Sing Songs For You And Me!:
6. as3(with***) by A.S., 20040701:
7. You Beaut by Rank Sinatra, Chairman Of The Bored:
Resonance needs your support. Please help raise some desperately needed funds and donate. “You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone…”
This episode was broadcast on the 1st February 2007. Please visit www.marvinsuicide.org for previous shows and more information. Plus I would love it if you were to send an e-mail to: marvin’AT’marvinsuicide.org (please replace ‘AT’ with @).