The penultimate instalment of our dusting-off the original YM series from 2008, in this week’s episode evil head of Resonance FM, Thomas Weaver-Baxter has insisted- quite threateningly- on giving Yummy Mummy the week off and banishing him somewhere cold and unpleasant. Yummy Mummy has left a pre-recorded School Run all ready to roll, but the merciless manager throws it down the well, cranks up the Steinway Grand; and proceeds to hijack the airtime and use it as a platform for his own autobiographical torch-songs. Unfortunately he doesn’t realise that recently-formed avant-colliery marching band Reso-Parpe are heading his way. Famous explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott makes a guest appearance, implausible as that may seem. Slightly confusing fun for children old enough to know better…