Hooting Yard: Pining and Pothorst Land

This episiode, first broadcast on the 8th of September 2004 corrects significant misconceptions concerning the naming of dogs and the origins of America.

* Name That Cur – Dobson on the naming of dogs (A stern corrective)
* Escape From a Ship on Fire
* Eighteen Questions: Where Are the Snows of Yesteryear?
* Gigantic Balls of Volatile Gas
* Pining and Pothorst (The history of America corrected).

3 thoughts on “Hooting Yard: Pining and Pothorst Land

  1. George Zeuthen

    Do you know my novel “Det ny land”? (The new land).

    It is novel about their great travel.


  2. goerge zeuthen

    It is af novel for children, but I have read most of thes stuff about Pothorst and heistravel. Facinating story.
    Search on the net after “Det Ny Land Pothorst” og you will find out.
    My publisher will be veryg happy if he could sell det novel to translation.
    I kan sent you some chapters of the novel, but you must tead it in danish.

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