Hooting Yard: Important Lark Information

Imagine, just for a moment, that you live in ancient Latvia. Now look at today’s date. Gosh! It’s Kazimiras Diena, the festival which commemorates the return of the larks! Being an ancient Latvian, you know full well that larks are passerine birds of the predominantly Old World family Alaudidae, small terrestrial birds with often extravagant songs and display flights. Often, you have pointed out to your ancient Latvian pals that larks nest on the ground, laying between two to six speckled eggs. Sometimes you get into arguments with your ancient Latvian next hut neighbour, who insists that most larks are fairly dull in appearance. Both of you agree, however, that their food is insects and seeds. Now, amity restored, you set off arm in arm with your neighbour for the festival.

“Look, Arvids,” you say, pointing to a nearby bird, “a lark!”

A Lark

“Indeed it is, Egils,” says your neighbour, “But what species of lark do you suppose it is?”

  • Vaporetto or Bus? A review of “Incredibly Detailed Report Of The Commission Of Enquiry Into The Provision Of Public Transport Services In And Around Hooting Yard As Requested By Civic Functionaries Many, Many Years Ago.” by Anon
  • Land of Nod News (Emily DIckinson)
  • More extracts from “Further Science” by Norman Davies.
  • Important Lark Information
  • A Recipe for Gruel
  • Since You’ve Been Gone
  • Suzanne Takes You Down

This episode was first broadcast on August 3rd 2005. All of the prose in this podcast can be found on the Hooting Yard website.

One thought on “Hooting Yard: Important Lark Information

  1. MissHathorn

    This episode is not as advertised. Can you re-podcast the ‘Important Lark Information’ for me?

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