Electric Sheep podcast: Experimental film as performance art
Interviews originally broadcast as a Clear Spot, 30/10/08 and I’m ready for my close-up, 12/02/09 on www.resonancefm.com
Alex Fitch talks to Tania Glyde and Kim Morgan about the films of Jeff Keen and to Wajid Yaseen about Ear Cinema and Late Noon Sun…
In this episode we’re looking at how experimental cinema and experimental approaches to cinema recycle and reuse intriguing images from the past. Later in the podcast Alex Fitch talks to Wajid Yaseen, the artistic director of Ear Cinema about their touring project Late Noon Sun which uses silent movie tropes and iconography in a haunting theatrical installation about murder and magic that combines projection and performance in an immersive 360 degree experience.
Late Noon Sun is next on at The Colchester Arts Centre on the 18th of February 2009 and for future performances please visit www.earcinema.co.uk for more info.
Also, we’ve reunited the presenters of Resonance FM’s long missed radio show Midnight Sex Talk for a preview of the short films of experimental filmmaker Jeff Keen which are about to be shown at the BFI southbank and elsewhere and released in a new definitive box set.,
MST co-presenter Kim Morgan joins us later in the show and for the rest of the time we’re talking to presenter Tania Glyde who also worked as the agony aunt for Time Out magazine and has recently written the book “Cleaning up, how I gave up drinking and livedâ€, which has just been published in paperback.
Jeff Keen’s films mix found footage of pop culture items and iconography combined with experimental scenes of domesticity, landscapes and violence. There are four compilations of Jeff’s work being shown at the BFI Southbank over the next two weeks and in March at various cinemas in Bristol, Hastings and Belfast, more info about which you can find at bfi.org.uk and also in March a definitive 4 DVD box set is being released on their label. For this podcast’s review of his work,Alex Fitch sat down with Tania and we watched 7 of Keen’s films in a row with Kim joining us for the 8th and stopped after each one to record our immediate thoughts on what we’d just watched.
Screenings of Keen’s work are on at the BFI Southbank on the 17th, 19th, 25th and 27th of this month February 2009, and you can find more info at www.bfi.org.uk
For more info, please visit the home of this podcast at www.archive.org
To find out more about Electric Sheep Screenings, please click here and for the magazine, please visit www.electricsheepmagazine.com
Links: Jeff Keen– More info on the BFI’s Jeff Keen season and DVD box set
Listen to Kim’s previous film reviews
Tania’s blog and info about her book Cleaning up, how I gave up drinking and lived
Alex’s early radio appearances on episodes of Midnight Sex Talk concerning “Movies”, “Censorship”, “Death” and “Psychos”!
Visit the archive of Tania and Kim’s previous shows at www.midnightsextalk.com
Wajid Yaseen – His cinema / theatre group’s website www.earcinema.co.uk including info on Late Noon Sun
Wikipedia page on “3D Sound”
Listen to Alex’s interview with Peter Greenaway
Electric Sheep news:
Tom Humberstone exhibition at Orbital
The comic shop Orbital which Marc Ellerby waxed lyrical about in a recent Panel Borders, have relocated to 8 Great Newport Street, WC2H 7JF (previously the Photographer’s Gallery).
Orbital appropriately now also have an exhibition space, which opened with a selection of new art pages by Tom Humberstone from the latest issue of his Eagle award winning title: How to date a girl in ten days.
More info at www.orbitalcomics.com / www.ventedspleen.com
Here’s Johnny Screening on More4
The excellent documentary Here’s Johnny about artist John (Nemesis the Warlock, Judge Dredd) Hicklenton’s battle with multiple sclerosis is being shown tonight (17/02/09) at 10pm on More4. The film includes great examples of his work and interviews with the likes of Pat Mills and Glenn Fabry…
More info about the film on its official site.

A good article about Electric Sheep podcast.