Electric Sheep Magazine Podcast: The Last Horror Movie Actor
Ahead of the release of his new film The Seasoning House, Alex Fitch talks to actor Kevin Howarth about his career so far, from his memorable lead role in The Last Horror Movie (2003) to his forthcoming zombie action movie GallowWalkers with Wesley Snipes. Kevin talks about resisting his typecasting as a horror film actor, working as a voice artist on video games and the experiences of working with make-up Paul Hyett on various projects before the latter turned director on The Seasoning House.
The Seasoning House is released 21st June 2013 in UK cities by Kaleidoscope Entertainment, more info: www.theseasoninghouse.com
Visit www.archive.org, for more info and formats you can stream / download.
Links: Official film website
Profile on www.rottentomatoes.com
Recommended Events:
Typex at ELCAF
As part of this year’s East London Comics Art Fair, Alex Fitch talks to Dutch cartoonist Typex about his excellent graphic novel on the life and works of Rembrandt.
More info: hwww.elcaf.co.uk / www.better.org.uk/leisure/york-hall-leisure-centre
12.30pm, Saturday 22nd June, ELCAF, York Hall, 5 Old Ford Rd London E2 9PJ (nearest train: Cambridge Heath / nearest tube: Bethnal Green)
Rob Davis at The Cervantes Institute
As part of The Cervantes Institute’s Spanish Culture open day, Alex Fitch is talking to cartoonist Rob Davis about his two volume graphic novel adaptation of Don Quixote for Self Made Hero.
More info: http://londres.cervantes.es / download programme
4pm, The Cervantes Institute, 102 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AN (Nearest tube / train station: Victoria)
David Shenton Exhibition
These Foolish Things: Shenton’s cartoons are often camp but they’re not just camp, and they’re not that awful apolitical offensive camp, but a light, knowing, meaningful camp; their first task is to entertain and to make the audience laugh – and often they do much more because the liberation politics that informs his work means that with the laugh there is an acerbic point – a wry observation on how we live or a satirical comment about society and a wider political context, contained in the lives and musings of plausible and likeable characters. Or sometimes it’s just a silly joke.
1 June to 27 July 2013
Space Station 65 Gallery, Building One, 373 Kennington Road, London SE11 4PS
More info: www.spacestationsixtyfive.com
DrownTown Launch Party and Signing
2000AD alumni Robbie Morrison (Nikolai Dante) and Jim Murray (Batman / Judge Dredd) have embarked on a fully-painted epic set in a flooded futuristic London and are launching the first volume at Gosh with a party and art exhibition!
It’s all happening on Friday the 21st of June, from 7pm until 9pm at which point everything will probably move on to the pub down the road. There’s no need to RSVP but if you’d like to reserve a book feel free to ask. Published by Jonathan Cape, the book is a £12.99 hardcover and if you can’t make it on the night but would like a signed/dedicated copy anyway, send us an email to info@goshlondon.com
7pm, Friday 21st June
Gosh! Comics, 1 Berwick Street, London, W10DR
More info: www.goshlondon.com