Panel Borders: Women at the Front
Starting a month of shows about the portrayal of war in comics, Alex Fitch talks to Jessica Martin, Anna Dowsland, Clare Wood, Lauren Murphy and Francesca Dare, five contributors to the new war comics anthology ‘To Arms!’, published by Limehouse Comics.
Alex also discusses the exhibitions ‘Never Again! World War I in cartoon and comic art’ and ‘1914: Day by day’ with curator Anita O’Brien; the two shows contain a variety of responses to the Great War from the work of Bruce Bairnsfather and William Heath Robinson to modern day cartoonists such as Zoom Rockman and Kate Charlesworth, and are on display until 19th October at The Cartoon Museum, London.
Originally broadcast Thursday 2nd October 2014 on Resonance 104.4 FM (London)

Cover of To Arms and interior art by Francesca Dare, Jessica Martin, Clare Wood, Anna Dowsland / art from Never Again by Heath Robinson, Bruce Barnsfather / art from 1914 by Kate Charlesworth and Posy Simmonds
For more info and a variety of different formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this podcast at
Links: To Arms! facebook page
Limehouse Comics website
Anna Dowsland’s website
Jessica Martin’s website
Francesca Dare’s webcomic
Lauren Murphy’s website
Info on 1914: Day by Day and Never Again exhibitions at The Cartoon Museum
BBC Radio 4 website on 1914: Day by Day cartoons