Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Voice on Record: Episode 57 (Listeners’ Choice)

Voices and recordings, ranging from William Faulkner’s Nobel Prize acceptance, more relevant than ever, through Tolkein’s Tom Bombadil, via Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier to Hugh MacDiarmid’s remarkable scots poetry and finishing up with the splendid and lovable Gerard Hoffnung.

Originally broadcast on 14th December 2010

Voice On Record is produced and presented by Sean Williams. Each episode features a selection of recordings of the human voice which have been preserved on vinyl. Historic events stand alongside esoteric guides to better bowling. Arid studio recordings are juxtaposed with location recordings rich with fascinating incidental sounds.

Hello GoodBye Show 4 June 2011: Serafina Steer and Lime-Headed Dog

This is the final episode of Hello GoodBye before we take our well earned Summer holiday!

This afternoon we welcome the return of two of the capital’s finest perpetrators of contemporary, abstract pop music; Serafina Steer & Lime Headed Dog.

Plus, we also have Matthew Reynolds & Hannah from the Ukulele emporium The Duke Of Uke discussing the fact that their shop is currently under threat of closure.

Multi-instrumentalist Serafina Steer was tutored by the living legend and sitar genius, Ravi Shankar. Serafina’s sublime song writing skills, spellbinding voice and supreme dexterity on the harp have justifiably found her gaining huge critical acclaim from an ever expanding group of admirers.

Lime Headed Dog combine abstract, cut and paste, free-form pop with surreal lyrical aplomb, the result of which is a vaguely unsettling and yet altogether thrilling and infectious wall of sound.

Tune in between noon and 1.30pm on 104.4 FM in Central London or on-line via:

NB* The deXter Bentley Hello GoodBye Show will return to the airwaves on Saturday 3rd September 2011 @ 12 o’clock midday!

Track List

Sebastian Rochford / Pamelia Kurstin – Ouch Evil Slow Hop
Serafina Steer – Machine Room (LIVE SESSION)
Serafina Steer – Night Before Mutiny (LIVE SESSION)
Serafina Steer – Like The Wind (LIVE SESSION)
Ravi Shankar – Gat Kirwani
Serafina Steer – Interview
Trent Miller & the Skeleton Jive – Fear Of Flying
Duke Garwood – God’s In My Shoe (HG archive)
George Formby – With My Little Ukulele In My Hand
Matthew Reynolds & Hannah from The Duke Of Uke – Interview
Allo Darlin’ – My Heart Is A Drummer
Spizz Oil – 6,000 Crazy (HG archive)
Lime Headed Dog – Balloons & Dams (LIVE SESSION)
Lime Headed Dog – Where’s Beadle? (LIVE SESSION)
Lime Headed Dog – Exciting (LIVE SESSION)
Lime Headed Dog – Labrador (LIVE SESSION)
Las Kellies – Erase You
Trogons – Protest Song No. 678
Lime Headed Dog – Interview
Rude Mechanicals – The Vicar Of St. Martins

Panel Borders: Comic Therapy

Panel Borders: Comic Therapy

In a panel discussion recorded at the 2010 Comics and Medicine conference, Institute of English Studies, University of London, Paul Gravett talks to Brian Fies, Phillipa Perry and Darryl Cunningham about their work in portraying aspects of medical care and therapy in sequential art. Paul and the panel discuss issues of biography and autobiography on the page, the process of portraying a narrative that has a story structure as well as an element of education to it and what they learned from the experience. (Recorded and edited by Alex Fitch)

Medical comics panellists: Paul Gravett, Philippa Perry, Darryl Cunningham and Brian Fies, photo by Ian Williams

Medical comics panellists: Paul Gravett, Philippa Perry, Darryl Cunningham and Brian Fies, photo by Ian Williams

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Official Mom’s Cancer website
Graphic Medicine website
including info on the 2010 conference
Read Brian Fies’ blog posts about his trip to London and Graphic Medicine 2011

Publisher’s page on Couch Fiction
Review by Alain de Botton
Interview with Philippa Perry in The Observer

Darryl Cunningham’s website:
Publisher’s page on Psychiatric Tales

Listen to Philippa Perry talk about her therapy graphic novel Couch Fiction
Listen to Alex Fitch interview Darryl Cunningham about Psychiatric Tales and his other work

Info about the 2011 Graphic Medicine conference, 9-11 June 2011, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago

Wavelength – Soundtrap IV, player pianos

Announcement: Soundtrap IV: John Wynne; an installation for pianola, 300 recycled hi-fi speakers and vacuum cleaner at Beaconsfield Gallery, 22 Newport Street, London SE11 6AY from 9th September to 18th October. The announcement of this exhibition provided an opportunity to play some pianola or player-piano music: Alfredo Casella, Trois Pieces pour Pianola (1918) Prelude, Valse, Ragtime. Conlon Nancarrow speaks with Charles Amirkhanian from Conlon Nancarrow: Lost Works, Last Works. Study No.12 and Study No.17 from Complete Studies for Player Piano Volume Four by Conlon Nancarrow.

Sine Of The Times 04/06/2011 – Maulin

The cutting edge of London’s underground dance music scene with Thomas Lee and Rita Maia. After being blown away by Maulin’s recent release on Alex Nut’s Ho Tep imprint we had to get this guy in to hear what he’s got up his sleeve for the next few months and we weren’t disappointed! Not content with plying us us a ton of his own upfront cuts he brought a mix rammed with unreleased gems (just check the tracklist!)

**Warning – This show contains some strong language!**


Matthew David – Noche Y Dia/San Raphael
Clouds – Protective Hands Part 2
Anstam – Carmichael
Ghostpoet – Survive It (Gang Panang Remix ft Roots Manuva)
Milyoo- Colours
Altered Natives – The Message
Mau’lin – Deeper Than The Sun
Mau’lin – Tripwall(Forthcoming Fortified Audio)
David McCallum – The Edge
Mau’lin – London%
Walt J – Reborn

Maulin in the Mix:
-Cohoba – $lush
-Gotti Boi Chris – Do You Know (Nick Catchdubs & Proper Villains Remix)
-Breach – Fatherless (T Williams remix)
-Greymatter -Â Eu Fumo ft. Deize Tigrona (Altered Natives Remix)
-Unknown Shapes – Used to Give a FK
-Flava D – 9Milli Major Beat
-EVM – Groove Content
-Jonas Kopp – Flanter Filnger (full version)

Mau’lin – Can’t Won’t
Distal – Love a la Venturo
Guy Andrews – Klikkr

Get in touch and send us your tracks:
Twitter: @sineradio

Hooting Yard: W to Z to South Mimms.

Twas midnight as I crept through the graveyard. The sky was pitch black, the stars obscured by clouds. My Toc H lamp shed only meagre light, and I stumbled many times over the rough and ravaged ground. Somewhere an owl hooted. I hooted in reply, mischievously, for even in so macabre a circumstance I retained my joie de vivre. Well, you have to, don’t you, when surrounded by doom ‘n’ death ‘n’ memento mori?

This episode was recorded on the 14th October 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the five publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants and Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories are available for purchase

Voice on Record: Episode 56 (Aldous Huxley)

The author of Brave New World, The Perennial Philosophy, The Doors of Perception, The Devils of Loudon and more delivers a superb lecture to an audience at Los Alamos laboratories, effortlessly drawing on art, science and mysticism to express his ideas with tremendous eloquence.
Originally broadcast on 30th November 2010

Voice On Record is produced and presented by Sean Williams. Each episode features a selection of recordings of the human voice which have been preserved on vinyl. Historic events stand alongside esoteric guides to better bowling. Arid studio recordings are juxtaposed with location recordings rich with fascinating incidental sounds.

Electric Sheep Magazine podcast: Kim Newman’s Nightmare Movies

Electric Sheep Magazine podcast: Kim Newman’s Nightmare Movies

Horror maestro Kim Newman discusses the new, updated edition of his essential book Nightmare Movies: Horror on the Screen since the 1960s with Electric Sheep editor Virginie Sélavy; Kim and Virginie discuss seminal modern horror movies such as Night of the Living Dead. (Previously broadcast 20/05/11 as an episode of “I’m ready for my close-up” on Resonance 104.4 FM)

Nightmare Movies by Kim Newman, 2011 edition, published by Bloomsbury

Nightmare Movies by Kim Newman, 2011 edition, published by Bloomsbury

For more information and a variety of formats you can stream / download, please visit the home of this podcast at

In association with

Info about the broadcast of this show
Visit the page at about Nightmare Movies
Kim Newman’s website:
Listen to Alex Fitch’s interview with Kim Newman about Doctor Who

OST 09.07.2005 – Delia Derbyshire Special

Film, library and television music with Jonny Trunk. A classic edition (and slightly shorter due to a special broadcast from the Serpentine) from way back in 2005 focusing on the work of legendary Radiophonic Workshop member, Delia Derbyshire. Choc-full of obscure and rare material from one of the pioneers of electronic music. Does anything more need to be said, really? Well, does it? Get downloading!

OST 08.08.2009 – Big George Special

Film, library and television music with Jonny Trunk. This week’s edition from August 8th 2009 was re-braodcast on 21st May 2011 in tribute to that week’s guest, the larger-than-life musician, broadcaster and all-round legend Big George who very sadly and very suddenly passed away earlier that month. A fine tribute to possibly the only guest in the history of the show to talk Jonny under the table; the show kicks off with his theme tune to ‘Have I Got News For You’ as you’ve never heard it before…