Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Technical Difficulties in the Clear Spot – Signmark in London

The first Deaf artist with a major recording contract, Helsinki’s Signmark, perform in American Sign Language and English. Their music is best experienced live, or on video, details on their site.

Backstage at the Kentish Town Forum before their full debut UK gig, I interviewed lyricist and main man Marko and his verbal and rap partner Brandon. Transcripts available by clicking on the person’s name.

Thanks to JC Promotion, Signmark Productions and Darren – whose voice you hear as he interprets and verbalises the thoughts of Marko.

Join the discussion on Google + Facebook and Twitter . Wear your scars with pride, and remember. We all have Technical Difficulties.

Marko (the main man), Tim Abbott, Ville (DJ/VJ Weirdness) and Brandon (the MC)

Panel Borders: Medical Manga

Panel Borders: Medical Manga

Continuing our month of shows about looking at portrayals of illness, medicine and caregiving in comic books, we’re examining medical manga in two talks recorded at last year’s Graphic Medicine conference at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. Maria Vaccarella talks about a German Manga about Epilepsy – Epilepsie? Bleib cool! – an educational comic designed to help teenage epilepsy suffers in Germany cope with their condition, also Ada Palmer is talking about the heroism of doctors in the work of Osama Tesuka from Buddha to Black Jack, Astro Boy to Phoenix.

Black Jack by Osamu Tezuka, Epilepsie - bleib cool! by Stefanie Wollgarten, Barbara Lillge and Heiko Krause, Buddha by Osamu Tezuka

Black Jack by Osamu Tezuka, Epilepsie - bleib cool! by Stefanie Wollgarten, Barbara Lillge and Heiko Krause, Buddha by Osamu Tezuka

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Order Epilepsie? Bleib cool! from
Review of Osamu Tezuka’s Black Jack at

Listen to Helen McCarthy talk about the work of Osamu Tezuka

Info about the 2010 Graphic Medicine conference
Call for papers (pdf download) for the 2011 Graphic Medicine conference in Leeds

Recommended events:

Comics County meeting, Brighton, Monday, 27th June

This month’s meeting we have three speakers for podcast representing two areas where cartoon art is being used for social good as well as entertainment.

Steve Silverwood and Laurence Stead are from Upside Comics – – and they’ll be reporting on workshops they’ve recently held for the purpose of aiding literacy as well as spreading the word of the art form itself. Many cartoonists have been doing this work for a while (our trusty Dr Parsons and his for a start, not to mention all the other folks listed in and its future is under threat due to current cuts in schools and libraries, so reporting of practical results from such work is more needed than ever.
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Wavelength – David Curtis

Recorded interview with David Curtis, author of Experimental Cinema (1971) and A History of Artists Film and Video in Britain (2007), curator of A Century of Artists Film in Britain and founder of the British Artists Film and Video Study Collection.

Art Monthly June 2011









Photography as Work

Art Monthly feature Photography as Work written by Stephanie Schwartz is discussed with Matt Hale.

“The recent wave of protests in the Middle East has markedly reinvigorated long-held debates about photography’s utopian promise…..Some among us are suspicious of the indymedia revolution”.

Stephanie questions the utopian potential of digital photography with reference to the  exhibitions curated by Jirge Ribalta- specifically A Hard and Merciless Light: The Worker-Photography Movement. 1926- 1939 at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid- 6th April –  August  22nd.

Art Monthly magazine’s talk programme on Resonance FM started in February 2009 and is broadcast on the second Friday of each month at 5pm. In each show Art Monthly critics discuss their writing in the latest issue.

The programme is hosted by Matt Hale who has worked at Art Monthly since 1991 and produced by Frederika Whitehead.

Previous episodes are available on Art Monthly’s website

Art Monthly magazine offers an informed and comprehensive guide to the latest developments in contemporary art.

Fiercely independent, Art Monthly’s news and opinion sections provide regular information and polemics on the

international art scene. It also offers In-depth interviews and features; reviews of exhibitions, performances, films and books; art law; auction reports and exhibition listings

Art Monthly magazine is indispensable reading!

Special magazine subscription offer for Resonance 104.4 listeners.Subscribe now and save 40% on the cover price at



Hooting Yard: Take One Weasel….

I squelched across the marsh, in driving rain, and linnets sang within my brain. There were no linnets to be seen, just crows, drenched crows, drenched crows. I lit my pipe and sucked, and heard the caw of a drenched crow. The rain was pelting down as I made my slopping way from marsh to town. And in the town, no linnets, no, nor crows. Just shuttered kiosks and the stadium. An athlete threw his javelin in the air. I watched it soar then stab the sodden grass. I went to the canteen. An arty print of crows hung on the wall. I slurped a bowl of steaming warming broth, and then I caught a bus back to the marsh.

This episode was recorded on the 28th October 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the five publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants and Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories are available for purchase

Reality Check: Apocalypse (cinema) now

Reality Check: Apocalypse (cinema) now

In a pair of on stage interviews recorded at this year’s Sci-Fi London festival, Alex Fitch talks to a couple of film makers about their recent takes on the apocalypse in film; Dekker Dreyer whose film The Arcadian stars Lance Henriksen and Brian Thompson, and mixes the iconography of shamanism with elements of the road movie in a post-apocalyptic setting and Maxì Dejoie whose film The Gerber Syndrome is an Italian take on 28 Days Later…, using a pseudo-documentary style to follow a member of a biohazard clean-up crew who is scouring the streets looking for the contagious and is the first overtly political zombie film in a long time. Alex and Maxi are also joined by Gerber producers Claudio Bronzo and Lorenzo Lotti (in Italian and English).

Stills from The Gerber Syndrome and The Arcadian

Stills from The Gerber Syndrome and The Arcadian

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Directors’ websites – and
Trailers: The Arcadian / The Gerber Syndrome

Dan Wilson – The Philosophy of Mediadropping

‘The Philosophy of Mediadropping’ is a relentless musing on the practice of mediadropping – the dropping of home-made CDs, DVDs, tapes, books, manuscripts, etc. in public places for random people to find.

Mediadropping is a pathological habit of mine. My old Resonance show, ‘The Exciting Hellebore Shew’, documented many mediadroppings in detail (or tapedroppings as I referred to them back then, as cassette was the weapon of choice). Special ‘music’ was consigned to cassette or CD-R and scattered hither and thither. Over time, an instrumentarium was built up specifically geared toward sonically shocking unsuspecting mediadropping recipients.

Mediadropping may be seen as a physical analogue of the ‘crapflooding’ and ‘trolling’ phenomena of the internet age, but this is a debatable comparison to be treated in a later posting here. In the meantime, tune in to catch ‘The Philosophy of Mediadropping’ and hear Luscombe’s voice fed through a sawn-off trolley and a garage door. Feel the cassette-grot erode your tolerance threshold.

Panel Borders: Cancer Comics

Panel Borders: Cancer Comics

Continuing our month of shows about medical comics, we have two recordings of creators’ very different approaches to tackling the issue of cancer in sequential art. In another presentation from last year’s Graphic Medicine conference, Suley Fattah talks about his anthologies Drawing the line and Drawing the line again, which collect a selection of new comics about the subject of cancer to raise money for related charities. Also, Alex Fitch talks to cartoonist Ross Mackintosh about his moving autobiographical book Seeds which depicts his father’s battle with the disease.

Covers of Seeds by Ross Mackintosh, Drawing the line and Drawing the line again curated by Suley Fattah and Kasra Ghanbari

Covers of Seeds by Ross Mackintosh, Drawing the line and Drawing the line again curated by Suley Fattah and Kasra Ghanbari

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: For more information about Ross Mackintosh’ Seeds,
For more info about Drawing the line and Drawing the line again,

Listen to Brian Fies talk about his work

Info about the 2011 Graphic Medicine conference, 9-11 June 2011, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago

Recommended events:

Comics Launchpad, Birmingham

This weekend, a unique event takes place at The Studio, Birmingham, bringing together seasoned professionals and aspiring creators from around the world with one thing in common: a passion for comics.

The first event of its kind, Launch Pad includes a full programme of workshops and seminars designed to inform and inspire budding writers and artists, along with opportunities for portfolio reviews and face-to-face feedback.

Speakers at the one day conference include legendary creator Klaus Janson, DC Comics Senior Editor Joey Cavalieri and 2000AD Editor Matt Smith, and the event is officially supported by Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Rebellion Entertainment, Diamond Distribution and a host of other major publishing companies worldwide.

Join International Comics Shows at The Studio in Canon Street on Saturday, June 18 and find out how to make your career take off.

The Conference is limited to 300 delegates and includes an option to attend the exclusive after event roof garden party with complimentary food and drink.

To find out more or to book your place go to:

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Wavelength – John Wynne

Interview with sound artist John Wynne about his installation at Beaconsfield Gallery London: Soundtrap IV which runs from 10th September to 18th October 2009
On 24th September at 7pm Rex Lawson will give a performance of Nancarrow studies for player piano and will join Ed Baxter and John Wynne in a discussion on sound art, player pianos and cultural redundancy. Admission five pounds, booking advisable: (Since this programme was broadcast, the installation has been bought in its entirety by Charles Saatchi).

Hooting Yard: Further Spookiness At South Mimms.

“I’m afraid I have never seen any of your plays,” said the glintist, “My work keeps me fantastically busy, and on the rare occasions I might be free to make a trip to the theatre, I often have to go to a kiosk on a seaside pier where a charlatan healer makes enigmatic passing movements of his hands over my anomalous windpipe.”

This episode was recorded on the 21st October 2010. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the five publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants and Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Stories are available for purchase