Category Archives: Shows

Regular broadcasts on Resonance FM

Wavelength – Dave Critchley and Peter Todd

This week’s guests: Peter Todd and Dave Critchley talk about 2B Butler’s Wharf, and Ayton Basement Newcastle. In the 1970s and early 1980s Dave Critchley made and exhibited films, audio and performance works, and especially video from 1976. He collaborated with many artists on projects and exhibitions at 2B Butler’s Wharf and was one of the founder members of London Video Arts where he worked until 1986. Filmmaker, writer and curator Peter Todd was a founder member of the artists’ venue in Newcastle: Ayton Basement. This venue became Basement Group of which he was a founder member which evolved into Projects UK and today continues as Locus +.

Hello GoodBye Show 26 May 2012: Extradition Order and Niall Spooner Harvey

Warrington born London based anti-folk troubadors Extradition Order provide the live music on the show today while poet Niall Spooner Harvey provides the proes.

Built with an equal love of Benjamin Britten and Mark E Smith, Extradition Order like to tell dark stories in a wild way. However, it was a chance meeting between the singer of Extradition Order, aged 8, and Jerry Lee Lewis that formed the idea that failure comes to us all but rock and roll is the glorious revenge. And revenge solves everything.

Their new 12? vinyl release is split into two EPs “Our Thoughts on Failure” documenting the realisation that you’re just not going to be everything you wanted to be, and “Our Thoughts on Revenge” which talks of the steady, silent anger that results.

Our website * Our Facebook page * Richard’s Twitter * Michael’s Twitter

Track list:

Ariel Pink + R. Stevie Moore – No Zipper
Extradition Order – A Shot (LIVE SESSION)
Extradition Order – Canoe (LIVE SESSION)
Extradition Order – Paris France (LIVE SESSION)
The Nightingales – Someone For Everyone
The Make-Up – Hold It
The Make-Up – Here Comes The Judge
Extradition Order – ‘Interview’
Nature – In A Place
Niall Spooner Harvey – Good Words & Bad Words (LIVE SESSION)
Niall Spooner Harvey – ‘Interview’
Way THrough – Entangled Bank
Extradition Order – Push Her (LIVE SESSION)
Extradition Order – In A Nice Way (LIVE SESSION)
Extradition Order – Peter Grimes (LIVE SESSION)
Bobby Conn – Face Blind
Niall Spooner Harvey – Stop Interrupting My Fairy Story Please Political Cartoonists (LIVE SESSION)
Niall Spooner Harvey – How Do I Own A House (LIVE SESSION)
Niall Spooner Harvey – Please Forgive Me (LIVE SESSION)
Niall Spooner Harvey – You Trod All Over My Begonias (LIVE SESSION)

Live sound engineers: Leanne Bower, Tom Kemp & Joe Oldfield.

Outsider In – Just me


Unedited studio recording of R. Stevie Moore when he was my guest last year, he has just played in London and is now up in the north of England
R. Stevie Moore: You dont have to worry about my love off Advanced (2011)
Andy Partridge: Mermaid Expanation and Mermaid smiled off Fuzzy Warbles (2006)
Jandek soundtrack from the film Jandek on Corwood
Jandek: I shot myself from 0781-Khartoum (2005)
Jandek: The stumble from 0772-The Place (2003)
Syd Barratt:  Wouldnt you miss me from Crazy Diamond
Allen Ginsberg: Uptown
Edith Hillman Boxhill This little light of mine from Music therapy with the mentally handicapped
The Sound of surrealism Patricide 4
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band: Canyons of your mind
Brion Gysin: Kick that habit man
Brion Gysin: Thoughts from the dream machine
Flying Burrito Brothers: Sin City from The Gilded Palace of Sin (1969)
Robyn Hitchcock: Not dark yet by Bob Dylan from album of Dylan covers Robyn Sings (2002)
Cal Veale: Paralysed
Randy Newman: I’ll Be Home from Little Criminals (dedicated to Effric my wife, she had this in her record collection 33 years ago)

Caption podcast: Web comics

Caption podcast: Web comics

In the first exclusive Caption podcast, Paul Gravett discusses webcomics with a variety of young creators including P.J. Holden, Liz Lunney, Tim Winchester, Philipa Rice, Sydney Padua and David O’Connell, whose work varies from cardboard cutouts to historical fiction. Recorded at Caption small press comics festival, 2010.

David O Connell, Sydney Padua, P.J. Holden, Philipa Rice, Liz Lunney and Paul Gravett at Caption 2010, photo by Terry Wiley

David O’Connell, Sydney Padua, P.J. Holden, Philipa Rice, Liz Lunney and Paul Gravett at Caption 2010, photo by Terry Wiley

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: More info about Caption small press comics festival
Liz Lunney / Sydney Padua / Philipa Rice websites
P.J. Holden / Timothy Winchester / David O’Connell websites
Paul Gravett’s
website Continue reading

Hooting Yard: Obsequies For Lars Talc, Struck By Lightning Pt. III

Obsequies For Lars Talc, Struck By Lightning was published in an edition of twenty-five copies in 1994, under the Hooting Yard Press imprint and – save for a brief, rewritten, extract posted  here some years ago – has never again seen the light of day. It was the last piece of prose I completed before my descent into the maelstrom, or the Wilderness Years, or whatever one wants to call that period of ruination from which I eventually emerged with the launch of the Hooting Yard website in 2003.

F. Key.

This episode was recorded on the 01st September 2011. A complete transcript of this episode can be found on Frank Key’s Hooting Yard website. Accompanying Hooting Yard On The Air, the six publications We Were Puny, They Were VapidGravitas, Punctilio, Rectitude & Pippy BagsUnspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The StarsBefuddled By Cormorants , Inpugned By A Peasant And Other Storiesand Porpoises Rescue Dick Van Dyke are available for purchase

Polish Deli featuring Zbigniew Karkowski (pt. 1 & 2)

In these two episodes of Polish Deli Kacper Ziemianin talks to one of the most interesting Polish composers of contemporary music – Zbigniew Karkowski. Zbigniew has released over 60 albums and has collaborated with the biggest names in the avant-garde music world. He has performed in every corner of the globe and is now touring around Europe. In London he played live at Cafe OTO, promoting his latest release ‘nerve cell_0’, which was a collaboration with Anton Lukaszevice. We are happy to have Zbigniew on Resonance, especially that it is his first appearance on our radio station.

Language: English

for more info go to:

Panel Borders: Totnes Comics

Panel Borders: Totnes Comics

Starting a month of shows about communities of comic book creators around England*, Alex Fitch travels to Devon to interview artists and writers who live and work in Totnes. Jock, Lee O’Connor, John Spelling and Dom Reardon talk about their experiences in the South West, breaking into comics, the importance of 2000AD to their careers and future projects.
(* when Alex has a larger travel budget, expect Celtic comics communities at some point in the future)
Originally broadcast 03/06/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM

Extracts from comics by Lee O Connor, Jock, John Spelling and Dom Reardon

Extracts from comics by Lee O’Connor, Jock, John Spelling and Dom Reardon

Originally broadcast 03/06/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM

Visit, for more info and formats you can stream / download.

Links: Jock’s website
Lee O’Connor’s website
Dom Reardon’s page on
John Spelling’s wordpress site

Listen to Alex’s interview with John Spelling and Lee O’Connor
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Wavelength – Destruction in Art part 6 with Gustav Metzger

Latest instalment in Auto-Destructive Art: Gustav Metzger in conversation with Mathieu Copeland, Clive Phillpot and myself. “Gustav Metzger was born in Nuremberg in 1926 and came to Britain in 1939 as a Polish citizen, but since the late forties has been stateless. During his involvement with the anti-nuclear campaign, he continued to develop Auto-Destructive Art and its subsequent manifestations in the 60s and 70s. Now thirty years on, Metzger still feels the need to address issues that put the human race on the edge of a precipice”. (Gustav Metzger ‘damaged nature, auto-destructive art’).

Technical Difficulties 3:12 (Cerebral Palsy)

Series producer Tim Abbott talks to his partner Sonja K Peterson about his 30 years of CP and hemiplegia.

Reality Check: Documentary approaches to SF film

Reality Check: Documentary approaches to SF film

Alex Fitch talks to a pair of film-makers whose experiences outside of cinema have given them unique approaches to the medium. Shezad Dawood is a fine artist who, following a short film about westerns called Feature, is now tackling the SF genre with his movie Piercing Brightness, an extract of which is currently showing at the Museum of Modern Art, Oxford. Jim Monroe is a novelist and graphic novelist, whose excellent mockumentary Ghosts with shit jobs closed this year’s SCI-FI-LONDON festival and presents the lives of poor North Americans after the economy of the West collapses.

Stills from Piercing Darkness and Ghosts with shit jobs

Stills from Piercing Darkness and Ghosts with shit jobs

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Shezad Dawood’s website
Info about the presentation of Piercing Brightness at Museum of Modern Art, Oxford
Info about the filming in Preston

Buy Ghosts with shit jobs from the film’s official website
Review of the film in The Guardian
Jim Monroe’s publishing / multi-media company – No Media Kings

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