Wavelength – Destruction in Art part 14.

“With an extreme rigour evocative of Pol Pot’s visions of the same period for the future of Year Zero Cambodia, Otto Muehl, one of the Vienna Actionists, demanded the eradication of all books, languages, art works, music and factories; the famines that will result from these systematic destructions are to be welcomed (human bodies can then ingest one another in a lethal sexual pandaemonium, with the weakest being consumed first). Muehl also warmly advocated incest, filmed orgies and all kinds of bestiality, and attempts to eradicate the distinction between human and animal life; however, he demands the extermination of all ‘useless animals’ together with the destruction of forests and cities…” from The Art of Destruction, The Films of the Vienna Action Group by Stephen Barber. Music by Dieter Roth, Gerhard Ruhm and Oswald Wiener; Berliner Dichter Workshop 1973, and both sides of the single Psycho-Motorik Musik by Otto Muehl.