I’m ready for my close-up: Great British Cartoons

I’m ready for my close-up
[Animation month] Great British Cartoons
Partially broadcast 22/11/07

Alex Fitch interviews former animator Grant Rogers about his work on classic childrens’ cartoons such as Father Christmas, Grandpa and Tales of Beatrix Potter – made by legendary production company TVC – as well as his work on international shows such as DuckTales and Dogtanian and the three Muskehounds. (mp3 format, 28.5mb)

For more info and a selection of different file formats you can download or stream, please visit the home of this episode at www.archive.com

Links: Grant’s website
Wikipedia pages on Dogtanian, DuckTales, Beatrix Potter and Raymond Briggs
Animation World Network articles on TVC and Disney investing in UK programming

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