Panel Borders: Animating Tatsumi

Panel Borders: Animating Tatsumi

Starting a month of shows on biography and autobiography, Alex Fitch and Dickon Harris interview comic creator turned animator Eric Khoo who’s directed a portmanteau film called Tatsumi (released 13/01/12), based on the work of mangaka Yoshihiro Tatsumi, including five of his gekiga short stories with bookends adapting his autobiography A Drifting Life.

Still from Tatsumi, directed by Eric Khoo

Still from Tatsumi, directed by Eric Khoo

(Broadcast 10/01/12 on Resonance 104.4 FM)

Please visit the home of this podcast at, for more info and a variety of formats you can stream / download.

Links: Wikipedia pages on Yoshihiro Tatsumi and Eric Khoo
Eric’s website
Official Soda Pictures Tatsumi website

Recommended events:


Free ‘Thinking Comics’ reading group discusses Phonogram: The Singles Club & Hitsville Uk by John Riordan and Dan Cox. All welcome.
January 11, 2012 – 7.15-9pm

CRAIG THOMPSON signing copies of Habibi, Blankets and more, 5pm-7pm,
Saturday 21st January

EDDIE CAMPBELL signing at 6:30pm, Friday 3rd February
1, Berwick Street, London W1F 0DR /
Nearest tube: Picadilly Circus / Leicester Square

Other comics events:

Course: Drawing For The Graphic Novel
Stephen Marchant’s 11-week course on Thursday evenings run by Birkbeck College in association with the Cartoon Museum.
Where: Cartoon Museum, London
When: January 12, 2012

Rethinking the History of Childhood: Narratives, Sources, Debates
The history of childhood is now ripe for re-evaluation. The conference will
debate existing paradigms while welcoming the work of new scholars.
Where: University of Greenwich, Centre for the Study of Play and Recreation
When: January 14, 2012

For more info: