On the 11th February, a large group of people gathered outside a video shop in South East London to protest about its closure and replacement by a proposed betting shop.
Alex Fitch was there to interview locals and their representatives about why the demise aroused such passion.
In contrast, this is followed by an interview with both the owner and the manager of a relatively new rental place in East London that looks potentially successful in this digital age and is intended to be more than just a video shop…
Originally broadcast 8th March 2007 (mp3 format, 28.3mb)
Links: Sue Luxton’s blog about the closure of Homeview
Brockley entries at ‘Transpontine’ blog
List of archived versions of ‘homeviewvideo.co.uk’
Close-up Film Library, Brick Lane
The economic theory of The Long Tail
For more info, please visit the home of this episode at www.archive.com