I’m ready for my close-up: London Film Societies

On 25th October 1925, The original Film Society held its inaugural meeting at the New Gallery Kinema in Regent Street in London. Founder members of The Film Society included Anthony Asquith, H G Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Augustus John and Maynard Keynes. One of the primary objectives of the society was to screen more of the avant-garde material which had not found an outlet in the commercial cinema. It’s ironic how little has changed and how film societies are as necessary as ever in today’s cinematic climate!
To coincide with this year’s London Film Festival, we’re looking at homegrown, less corporate alternatives! Alex Fitch talks to Darren Perry who runs the West London Fantastic Film Society and Adrian Winchester who has been running a horror film club in South London for 25 years…

Links: The Unoffcial UK Film Societies site
A brief history of the film society movement in Britain
IMDb page on Stolen Face (the film I had just watched at Adrian’s before the interview)
N.B./ The official Film Societies site is currently offline 

Originally broadcast 24rd August 2006 (mp3 format, 26mb)

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