Electric Sheep podcast – Eli Roth: filming The Last Exorcism
Alex Fitch interviews producer Eli Roth and director Daniel Stamm about the new ‘mockumentary’ horror film The Last Exorcism which is in UK cinemas now and tells a tale of possession, cattle mutilation and murder in a small rural community. Daniel and Alex talk about how using a documentary style to make supernatural movies helps break the fourth wall for the audience to help draw them into events, while Eli talks about how his experience of producing his own movies Cabin Fever and Hostel differs from his more advisory role on this film.
More for more information and a variety of formats you can stream / download, please visit the home of this podcast at www.archive.org
Links: Official The Last Exorcism website
Wikipedia pages on The Last Exorcism and Eli Roth
Interview with Daniel Stamm
Read Alex Fitch’s review of The Last Exorcism at shinyshelf.com
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