Reality Check: The Arthur C. Clarke Awards 2010
In the first of this year’s podcasts recorded at the most recent Sci-Fi London Festival, Graham Sleight and Alex Fitch talk to nominees for this year’s Arthur C. Clarke awards for SF literature and Graham also discusses this year’s short list with critic Niall Harrison. Authors discussing their work include China Miéville, Gwyneth Jones and Adam Roberts…

Three of the Clarke Award nominees: Spirit by Gwyneth Jones, Yellow Blue Tibia by Adam Roberts and The City and The City by China Mieville
For more info about this podcast and a variety of other episodes you can download, please visit the home of this episode at
Links: Clarke Awards website
Graham Sleight’s website
Niall Harrison‘s magazine Vector
Adam Roberts’ website
Gwyneth Jones’ website
China Miéville’s author’s page at Pan / MacMillan
2009 / 2008 Clarke Awards podcasts…